ICT Past Paper May_June2015 “ACCESS” Questions 30-39 only By: A. Lawson
Starter: Steps 1, 2, 3 1 2 3
Screen shots, Inserting records Screen shots can be done by pressing ONCE on the button “Imp Pt” then you can press “Ctrl + V” to paste it wherever you want it Imp Pt Ctrl V You are making sure you add the records shown in RECORD 1 column and RECORD 2 column as shown to your left correctly with capital letters when needed and decimal places as shown.
Creating: Query & Report When you see the Q letter next to a question this means it will be created when working a QUERY Q Q Q When you see an R letter next top the question this means it will be created when working on REPORT Q R Q Q R
Save and produce a report with: Q R