NHS England winter campaign Stay Well This Winter
Key elements Flu (this will be led by Public Health England and therefore the Council) Stay well this winter – national campaign Starts 12 October 2015 until 3 January 2016 Using four key channels – TV, radio, door drop, newspaper, digital advertising Will also use pharmacy bags
Target audience People aged 65 or over Long term conditions Pregnant women Parents of children aged two, three, four and in school years 1 and 2
Regional campaign Launches w/c 16 November to coincide with the national ‘second spike’ of activity where NHS England will be highly active on social media and issue a national release Agreed that all CCGs would support Approach is to enhance the national campaign up until 3 January and then to extend this campaign within the north-east up until the end of March (to cover the Easter period)
Campaign summary Key messages include: Seeking immediate advice and help from a pharmacist as soon as they feel unwell, before it gets too serious Getting prescriptions before 24 December Completing the course of prescription medicines Keeping as warm as they can Getting a flu vaccination Stocking up on winter food supplies Keeping an eye on elderly or frail friends, neighbours and relatives
Regional activity There will be local advertising – on public transport, digital advertising, advertising in school magazines, radio advertising Distribution of information to community venues Hold events in each area focused on first-aid/self-care Supported by PR and social media