Quark & Hadron Dynamics: AIACE Physics goals: Understand the nature of the strong interactions in nucleons and nuclei in terms of fundamental constituents and QCD Reasearch groups involved: INFN, Frascati and Genoa units & University of Genoa total of 9 staff scientists/professors + 5 postdocs Laboratory: Jefferson Lab (USA), Hall B (CLAS collaboration) Beams: CW e-, g up to 6 GeV Targets: LH2, LD2, He3, C, Fe, etc. + polarized NH3, ND3 Hardware contributions LARGE ANGLE CALORIMETER NEW START COUNTER ELECTRONICS NEW TAGGER ELECTRONICS NEW FORWARD ANGLE CHERENKOV POLARIZED NH3 /ND3 TARGET
cosqK+ < 0.6, cosqp+ > 0.8 Parallel analysis in progress AIACE physicists are involved in important collaboration committees (conferences, papers, etc.) + one PAC member from INFN Journal publications may 2002 - may 2003: 13 (5 with relevant italian contribution) Talks at conferences may 2002 - may 2003 : 13 (9 invited + 4 contributed) Highlights from physics results Possible evidence for pentaquark baryons in photoproduction off proton and nuclei g p K+ K - p+ (n) in CLAS angular cuts applied cosqK+ < 0.6, cosqp+ > 0.8 g p K0 K+ (n) in CLAS angular cuts applied cosCM(K0) < -0.35 d p K+ K - (n) in CLAS Q+ M(nK+) (GeV/c2) VERY PRELIMINARY M(nK+) (GeV/c2) Mass = 1523 5 MeV FWHM ~ 9 MeV Mass = 1573 5 MeV Q+ S. Stepanyan et al. PRL 91, 252001 (2003) TOPCITE = 100+ Are we observing excited pentaquarks ? Parallel analysis in progress V. Koubarovsky et al. PRL 92, 032001 (2004) TOPCITE = 50+ confirmatory run on proton under italian leadership to start this month
Surprising scaling properties observed analysing Structure function moments, non-perturbative QCD and constituent quarks Surprising scaling properties observed analysing the higher moments of the F2 structure function (sensitive to the valence region) g1 proton polarized structure function measured in very wide kinematic region (resonances DIS) M. Osipenko et al., PRD 67, 092001 (2003) R. Fatemi et al., PRL 91, 222002 (2003) First calculated moment shows rapid change from DIS down to resonance region New experiment under italian responsibility will probe spin response very close to photon point (new Cherenkov detector) connection with real photon GDH sum rule test of chiral perturbation theories Recent interpretation in terms of a constituent quark form factor possible evidence for extended objects inside the proton from the dynamics Petronzio, Simula, Ricco, PRD 67, 094004 (2003)