What are they, and why should we care? MODES What are they, and why should we care? Copyright © 2005 - Frankel Consulting Services, Inc.
Modes are: Modes are scales that start on different degrees of one set scale. We will be learning modes based on the C major scale. A C Major scale starts on C and then climbs in pitch using each white note on the piano until you reach the next C.
The Seven Modes Ionian- starts and ends on C. Dorian - starts and ends on D. Phrygian - starts and ends on E. Lydian - starts and ends on F. Mixolydian - starts and ends on G. Aeolian - starts and ends on A. Locrian - starts and ends on B.
An Easy Way to Remember: In Dark Places, Large Monsters Always Lurk.
Here is what each mode looks like:
Let’s listen to how each mode sounds…