SE-1021 Software Development 2 CS-1020 4/7/2019 SE-1021 Software Development 2 Dr. Mark L. Hornick email: web: SE1021 info syllabus, homework, labs… My schedule/office hours Office: L-341 Phone: 277-2417 SE-1020 Dr. Mark L. Hornick Dr. Mark L. Hornick
What we’ll cover in this course Apply the Object-oriented concepts such as Composition, Inheritance, and Polymorphism to the design of Java classes Use basic Java Collections Framework (JCF) classes to manage collections of data Use of Exception Handling to throw and catch Exceptions Use classes from the Java standard library to create, read and write files Create custom Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) using the Java Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT) and Swing GUI toolkits Write event-driven Java programs Apply previous and new Java knowledge to the creation of a medium-size application SE-1020 Dr. Mark L. Hornick
SE-1020 Dr. Mark L. Hornick
Grading Criterion Weight Labs 20% Quizzes (7-8) 30% Hour Exams CS-1020 4/7/2019 Grading Criterion Weight Labs 20% Quizzes (7-8) 30% Hour Exams Final Exam SE-1020 Dr. Mark L. Hornick Dr. Mark L. Hornick
CS-1020 4/7/2019 Grading The grading formula applies only to those students who have successfully met the objectives of this course. There is a 10% per business day (1 weekend = 1 day) late penalty for all written work. Any work more than 5 days late will receive a 0 grade. You must ultimately complete ALL work in order to pass the course. You are encouraged to discuss homework and programming assignments with your fellow students, however, each of you is responsible for doing and turning in your own work. SE-1020 Dr. Mark L. Hornick Dr. Mark L. Hornick
Grading Labs are generally due 8am on Monday following the Friday lab Specific info will be posted on the website Quizzes (~1 per week) will generally be given at the beginning of the labs Based on homework, lecture, and reading material SE-1020 Dr. Mark L. Hornick
Grading Labs constitute a significant part (20%) of your grade. You many have to spend some additional time outside of the lab session working on your programs SE-1020 Dr. Mark L. Hornick