Be Prepared To Recruit: How Families Choose To Join Scouting
UNIT SUBMITS APPLICATION TO CAC 4/8/2019 INTERESTED FAMILY ALREADY INVOLVED NO INVOLVEMENT SUBMIT APPLICATION TO UNIT UNIT SUBMITS APPLICATION TO CAC Those of you in this room all joined Scouting the same general way. You found a brick and mortar building that had Scouts Submit your application to the adults leaders Who Provided the application to the CAC And presto, new Scouts and Scouters Because this is what we know and are familiar with, we (The people in this room) are still very comfortable inviting families to join this way As we invite current families to enroll other children (be that boys or girls) the system will continue to work the same way NEW SCOUT
FIND YOUR UNIT THROUGH BEASCOUT.ORG? 4/8/2019 INTERESTED FAMILY ALREADY INVOLVED NO INVOLVEMENT WHERE/WHEN CAN WE SIGN UP? ONLINE SEARCH BEASCOUT.ORG But there families that have not been a part of Scouting yet, there are families that do not already know where we meet and how to join. And these families are growing in number, and we need to find a way to invite them to join also. So when you don’t know something these days, what do you find out? [pause for response] It was online searches that showed me how to tie a bowtie, tells me the movie times, it told me how to find this building today. If you try to find Scouts in your area, this is the website you will quickly find yourself on. How many of you have experience with FIND YOUR UNIT THROUGH BEASCOUT.ORG?
FIND YOU THROUGH BEASCOUT.ORG 4/8/2019 INTERESTED FAMILY FIND YOU THROUGH BEASCOUT.ORG WHAT INFORMATION DO YOU WANT TO GIVE THEM UPDATE YOUR BEASCOUT PIN DO YOU WANT THEM TO BE ABLE TO JOIN ONLINE YOU RECEIVE AN EMAIL YOU REPLY WITHIN 48 HRS The only thig this Scouts application is missing is your signature as the adult leader. And the moment they signed up, it sent an email to you at the email you have in My.Scouting (Mr. or Mrs. Unit Leader) There is a link that says “approve this Scouts registration” right there in the email Open your email, click the link, and do it as soon as you can If you were this new family, wouldn’t you want confirmation from your new Pack that they have welcomed you? The system can be set up to send a generic email from the Pack welcoming them and telling them when next to come to a meeting, you can go a step farther and have the Den Leader call and welcome them personally. Because at the end of the day, we are going to help people by inviting and welcoming new Scouts. NEW SCOUT
Timeline Oct. 11, 2017 – BSA Board of Directors approved plan to welcome girls into Cub Scouts in 2018 Dec. 14, 2017 – BSA published “Early Adopter” guidelines CAC leadership studied Early Adopter guidelines; decided to not participate in the formal Early Adopter program
The Capitol Area Council’s Plan Goal: Effective roll out that welcomes girls and provides them with the same quality of program that the Council has provided boys Units that meet certain requirements may recruit girls at Spring JSNs Girls will be able to participate in summer activities and day camps Timeline for recruiting girls is similar to recruiting new boy Tiger Cubs
How will it work? Chartering organizations decide, in consultation with units, whether to offer girl dens Dens will be single sex, same rank (Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Oh My) Options for packs: Only all boy dens All boy dens and all girl dens Only all girl dens
Changes to the program In general, no changes to program content, advancement, or uniforms
What does my pack need to do? Meet with your chartering organization and decide how to proceed. Share your annual program plan (including program for summertime Pack Award) with your district membership team Follow the Council Recruitment Plan Including updating your Pin And starting new Dens with at least 6 youth