and [School name] presents BBC Children in Need and [School name] presents
It has finally arrived... Click image below to play video Video clip 7: Welcome to the Celebration of Champions Our Celebration of Champions! (Insert YouTube video link)
This is an assembly by children for children! Today you can enjoy… Talents Jokes Magic Singing Dancing
Let us entertain you!
Here’s what has been happening in (school name)
Let us entertain you! [Name of class or children]
Thank you champions! You’re a
Repeat slide 6 and seven as many times as you need
So why exactly did we fundraise for BBC Children in Need? Video clip 3 Where will your fundraising go? (Insert YouTube video link)
Well done to each and every one of you!
[School total] TOTAL RAISED (so far) [This may have to be announced again at end of school day] [School total]