Energy Group Reflection Questions Do your scores mirror your roles? - Do the roles interacting with others have the most energy? Is it more important to ponder, research and explore ideas or is it important to get stuck in quickly and see what happens?
Energy Group Reflection Questions Do you work in an environment where it is important that they have wide networks of contacts and relationships? Do you have to self-promote to maintain a high profile for yourself and the team?
Low Energy "Like to reflect and understand before acting" Benefits Quiet Reserved Autonomous Calm Discreet Risks Aloof Cool Uninvolved Insular Indifferent
Frustrations of Low Energy Being asked to participate in something which did not appeal Being put on the spot Being expected to "join in" all the time
Questions for Low Energy How do you ensure that your ideas are heard within the team? How do you feel about meetings as a means of getting things done? How do you share your ideas with others?
Responses Low Energy We put things in writing/ emails We talk one-to-one to the people we need to We only bother when it's important to us If agendas and information are not sent out in advance, we find them frustrating and don't enough time to think. We may under-contribute and have to find modes of communicating outside meetings ------
Everybody has Low Energy Group Strengths A studious environment where people like to concentrate without interference Deep exploration of ideas and concepts An intimate, self-contained team with little need for external involvement Group Risks Reluctance to move f rom understanding to implementation A low / invisible profile, may therefore be over-looked May work as a group of individuals, not as a team. May appear unwelcoming to outsiders
Nobody has low Energy of information are missed Potential Gaps A lack of deep thinking and reflection A lack of observation meaning subtle pieces of information are missed
High Energy Benefits Enthusiastic Sociable Animated Inclusive "Are excitable and like to get things started" Benefits Enthusiastic Sociable Animated Inclusive Energetic Risks Distractible Disruptive Interfering Unthinking Insensitive
Frustrations of High Energy Can become impatient if things do not happen quickly enough May take on too much, over committing themselves and others People who don't share their enthusiasm or respond to their ideas
Questions for High Energy Are you aware you may dominate a conversation or group activity? Do you ever get carried away and bit off more than you can chew? How do you communicate your ideas to your colleagues?
Responses High Energy It's hard not to join in. We know we should bite our tongues, but it's diff icult to do We get carried away and enjoy noise We are always trying to do too much at once We are easily distracted by somethi ng different I a new challenge We communicate with enthusiasm but that can be overwhelming for some
Everybody has High Energy Group Strengths An enthusiastic, fun team Emphasis on action Interests would be wide reaching beyond the team and roles Their profile is likely to be high, both individually and as a team. Group Risks Lack of reflection, meaning mistakes could be made. May be chaotic, treading on each other 's toes as they pursue what looks most interesting at that moment. Learning may be superficial
Nobody has High Energy A lack of enthusiasm for getting stuck in: may spend too much time thinking rather than doing A group that takes a long time to warm up and establish relationships A low profile in the organisation as a whole
Mid-range Energy Benefits Risks "Like to get involved when it suits them" Benefits Outgoing and sociable when the situation requires Risks May not seem overly convincing in a group May wait on others for input, and not take the initiative Unwilling to get involved in or excited by the ideas put forward by others Moderate the impulsive nature of high Energy Can draw out low Energy ensuring their contribution is not overlooked ©Facets Ltd
Frustrations of Mid-range Energy When people consistently loud and self promoting When people are slow to respond or difficult to engage with When people are too quick to change their views or won't express their views to the group ©Facets Ltd
Questions for Mid-range Energy When do you find yourself behaving more like those with higfl Energy? When do you find yourself behaving more like those with low Energy? Do you see yourself playinq an arbitrator or facilitation role in the team? ©Facets Ltd
Responses Mid-range Energy We are more like high Energy when in social situations, when we can let our hair down When meeting new people We are more like low Energy when we have to do something that requires careful thought or when we don't know what we're talking about: we'll listen then
Everybody has mid-range Energy Group Strengths Potential exists to adopt whichever approach is appropriate to the context Reflecting on ideas and encouraging contribution Show enthusiasm for new ideas, but with a realistic approach Group Risks May be f rustrated / bored if roles involve a lot of thinking without much implementation Will be f riendly when approached by people but may not reach out to make contacts
Nobody has Mid-range Energy Potential Gaps A polarisation of the opposite ends High Energy looks indiscreet, noisy and superficial Low Energy looks cold, disengaged and secretive