Python Basics with Jupyter Notebook Workshop 1
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Print Statements The print function in Python allows you to output data to the user. You can print items of different datatypes including string, int and lists. Try outputting some text on your notebook.
Storing data in variables You can store data in variables using the ‘=’ operator. Try figuring out how the code below works
Taking inputs Use the input function to prompt user to enter some data. Data stored in a given variable.
Changing the datatype Sometimes in Python you have to change the datatype of a variable. An example of this is when user input is taken, it is stored as a string. If the input an integer, you must convert the string to an integer if you want to apply any operations to the data. Converts input to an integer
If, else and elif statements In Python you can run code based on decisions using if statements.
Lists Lists allow you to store multiple data items under one variable.
Accessing list items You can access items in a list by using variableName[index] Python indexes start with 0 so the first item is variableName[0]
For Loops For Loops allow you to repeat a portion of the program a number of time. A variable assigned loops through items in a list.
Range range(a,b) creates a list of numbers starting with a and ending in b-1. The first parameter is inclusive but not the second parameter.
Functions Python lets you create your own functions. Each function takes parameters as input and ‘returns’ a result.