Finding Locations on Earth: Latitude and Longitude 1507
Latitude & Longitude
Latitude – the distance north or south of the equator. Latitude is measured in degrees The Equator is 0 degrees Latitudes are also called parallels and are labeled N or S. There are 360 degrees in a circle There are 90 degrees from the equator to the poles.
Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn Tropic of Cancer: 23.5°N Tropic of Capricorn: 23.5°S
Arctic and Antarctic Circles 68.5O N Antarctic Circle 66.5O S 60° N and S of equator
Longitude – determine an object’s east or west location. Meridians are semicircles drawn from pole to pole. The Prime Meridian is located in Greenwich England. 0o Distances are measured in degrees from the Prime Meridian. Halfway around the world is 180o east or west.
Cambodia Ethiopia Namibia Vietnam France