The Grove Junior School My Personal Best Youth Sports Trust
What do you want our pupils to be like when they leave our school? Group activity – sugar paper and pens Then groups chance to look at each other ideas and discuss
Animal Olympics Poem
The purpose of the My Personal Best Project My Personal Best is a whole school approach to teaching and learning in PE, where life skills and values such as co-operation, responsibility and resilience are taught explicitly through PE. It explores these life skills practically, helping children to recognise and transfer them to other lessons, to life in school and to their wider environment at home.
My Personal Best Primary Through My Personal Best Primary, children aged 4-11 will: develop and apply life skills that will support them to flourish in PE, school and life improve health and wellbeing and personal skills grow understanding and working with others (social skills) create opportunities, overcome challenges and make choices (thinking skills) increase their potential achievement and readiness for life.
Improves pupils; health and wellbeing, achievement and readiness for life Enables pupils to flourish in PE, school and life. Why? Provides life skills examples for pupils. How? What? Supports explicit life skills approach to teaching and learning in PE. Provides teaching and learning ideas for teachers.
Golden Circle – TED talk link it to the school (20 minutes)
Time to look at the resources and think… Life skill – e.g. Honesty When a pupil is using that skill in class/school, I will see them do… When a pupil is using that skill in class/school, I will hear them say… An example of that skill being applied in my/our school class would be…
Implementation Each year group will cover a Life Skill each half term throughout the academic year These will be blocked in to best suit the rest of the curriculum. Mrs Hutson and Mr Berry will fit in their planning around each year group’s Long Term Plan for My Personal Best Each skill will be taught explicitly and referenced as a skill in lessons
Implementation PSHE link lesson at the start of each half term to teach the skill explicitly Monday/Wednesday assemblies to link to one of the themes Reward assemblies theme of each year group Teacher and teaching assistant training Parent session Adult role models – self audit Pupil self reflection sheet - work in progress
Implementation Familiarised ourselves with the resources Worked in year teams to block the skills/qualities across the year Started thinking about your short term planning and where the skill could logically be linked in
9th January Next Steps… Plan and deliver PSHE lesson (60 minutes) at the start of this half term to introduce the My Personal Best initiative. All classes to definitely carry out the ‘sugar paper’ activity – What sort of person/pupil do I want to be? Within this week’s PSHE lesson explicitly ‘teach’ this half term’s skill – this is entirely up to you in your year group to decide.
9th January Next Steps… Blocked subject sheets should be filled in for this half term – indication skill/skills that will be covered in the Spring Term (saved on the google drive) If possible Summer Term will also have been considered Amanda and Nathan will have this information so that they can plan accordingly for each year group