Team Project Step 2: Prepare a report containing: Step 1: Submit name of 3 organizations by next week (in class). I will select one for your team. Proposal format: Cover page-1p Brief Introduction of each organization-1-2 p Step 2: Prepare a report containing: Company background/history (1-2 page) Mission/vision/goal/objective (1-2 page) Main product/services (2-3 page)
Team Project (Contd.) MIS/IT department (8-10 page) Structure: Describe Organogram Functions: Provide details of functional areas/functions within the department Prospects : Future plan to improve/expand the functions/role SWOT analysis for MIS/IT department (1-2p) Recommendations (1-2p) Conclusion (1 p)
Team Project (Contd.) Special requirement: You MUST take an interview from MIS/IT personnel to collect information. Every team member must attend the interview session. Business formal attire required for the meeting. You have to show me the draft interview questions before finalize. Interview request letter will be provided if needed. Teams have to prepare the draft letter. You MUST attach visiting card and group picture (interview and interviewers together) at report appendix.
Team Project (Contd.) Step 3: Submit DRAFT report on the 2nd last week of class. Will announce the exact date later. At least 75% of individual task expected to be completed No need to prepare executive summary, table of contents , references and appendix for draft report. Just provide only a cover page and the report body. No need to have nice binding/spiral Step 4: Submit FINAL report on the last week of class. Will announce the exact date later. Report body should be 15-20 pages Times new roman, 12 font size, 1.5 line space MUST have cover page, executive summary, table of contents , references and appendix (NOT part of actual report body so pages will not be counted). Appendix should include all project related materials checked/signed by me during semester. E.g. proposal, interview proof, draft report.
Team Project (Contd.) Step 5: Presentation and PPT Handout submission on the last week of class. Will announce the exact date later. The whole team will present for 10-15 minutes Every team member has to present at least 2 minutes Prepare 10-15 standard PPT slides based on your report There will be Q & A session for each team MUST submit printed copy of all slides (handout) before presentation starts Dress code for presentation day: Presenter : Business Formal Audience : Business casual Step 6: Peer evaluation form submission: on the day of presentation. Download the form from the website. Each students will submit the completed form in a sealed envelop. The peer evaluation form is confidential and you are not allowed to share the form with anyone else.