Immunofluorescece analysis of c-src and v-src distribution in wild-type yeast cells. Immunofluorescece analysis of c-src and v-src distribution in wild-type yeast cells. Intracellular distribution of c-src (A), v-src (B), and a GST-ras fusion protein (C). Cells were grown in raffinose medium to early logarithmic phase then transferred to galactose-containing medium for 5 hr to induce expression of the indicated protein. As expected from its lower level of accumulation, the fluorescence signal from v-src was lower than that of c-src but well above background (staining with secondary antibody in the absence of primary antibody), which was not detectable at this level of exposure (not shown). Yang Xu et al. PNAS 1999;96:1:109-114 ©1999 by National Academy of Sciences