Watling View Assessment Model Pauline Atkins & Andy Scott
Journey Current practice / Watling View assessment model Key successes / challenges Next steps
School Overview Watling View is an all age school (2 – 19) Complex and profound learning difficulties Offer a range of personalised curriculum experiences to empower each individual Rationale behind the assessment model
Brent, Harrow, Herts, Special Schools A group met with an SEN Consultant, to consider the way forward Sample approaches were discussed Agreed that an I can model would be undertaken by joint subject leader teams in Maths, English and Science Baseline of pupils in summer 2017 Quality Assured through moderation and revision
Rochford Review Removal of P Scales Schools assess development of 4 areas outlined in SEN Code of Practice Assessment against 7 aspects of cognition and learning Schools should actively share expertise and practice with others Schools should work collaboratively
Holistic Assessment Measure What matters: The Whole Child On a Page Satellite & Journey Targets Do this now but dislocated and cumbersome because notin one place
Child on a Page, an opportunity to: Take into account the aspirations of stakeholders Integrate short, medium and long term planning Provide a comprehensive and holistic assessment model Respond flexibly to the unique journey of each child Record and report with clarity and accountability Review all aspects of the child’s development at school
Curriculum Targets Early Year Learning Goals Semi formal - I Can Statements - English, Maths, PSHEC, Science, Computing Informal - ImPACTS – Cognition, Communication, Personal Social Emotional Wellbeing, Environmental Control Technology
Journey Targets EHCP Outcomes Extra Curricular achievements Life Skills Individual pathways to their destination (year 10 – 14)
Assessment Cycle Precise teaching & Learning Clear next steps
Aspirations Yearly Targets Termly Summary Comments
Successes / Challenges Staff embraced the change 1 year of data External moderation has taken place Staff can assess and see the individuals journey & identify what next Allows parents to receive termly updates Pupils aspirations are included Challenges Time Computer issues / sustainability External moderation
Why it matters (So What) Immediate feedback on progress for both Satellite & Journey Parents have become more informed about the holistic progress Pupil context is identifiable on the front page Next steps can be clearly seen Enables progress to be measured across S levels
Next Steps Pre key stage standards 7 areas of engagement Depth to can do statements To ensure rigorous external moderation of work and baseline