Write these important dates in your agenda: 01/17/2017 Tue. (01/17) – Schoolwide Writing Assessment #2 Renaissance Celebration (Honor Roll) – 6:00 p.m. Wed. (01/18) – Workplace Wednesday Thur. (01/19) – Talent Show Auditions 4:30-6:00 Fri. (01/20) – Reading/Writing Folder Check #1 2nd Quarter Honorees-Ice Cream (In the lobby, prior to lunch) Sat. (01/21) – Saturday Tutoring Begins If you are not eating, you must read something of your choice. HOMEROOM = SILENCE
Language Arts – Opening Session 01/17/17 Reading/Writing Workshop Week #1 Day 4 We only have 25 minutes in class today! Both groups: Resume working on your remaining steps (Steps 1-14 = BOTH GROUPS). You may need to read your article, again. When you finish, raise your hand so that I may check all of the steps with you.
Readers’ Instructions Readers’ Strategy: Readers’ Instructions P – What is the purpose for you to read this? Answer – The purpose of reading this text is too strengthen your reading comprehension skills and to prepare you for the Georgia Milestones assessment, as well as for 7th grade. P – Preview the text – Look at the title, subtitles, word count, number of pages, graphics, letter size, etc. A - Actively read while annotating. R – Respond – Answer questions, create model, verbally respond in whole-group discussion or small-group discussion. R – Reflect – Look at what you have learned. Reflect on how it impacts you now, as well as how it will impact you in the future. Step 11 – Read the text completely for a second time. Step 12 – Review your answers on your P.P.A.R.R. bookmark. Add any additional information. Make sure your answers are in your own words. Do not copy any parts. Step 13 – Review the video, again. Complete a Venn Diagram, comparing and contrasting between the video and texts. Be sure to use complete sentences. Step 14 – Complete Day 3 (3 selections of your choice) on the Close Notes chart.
Writers’ Instructions Writers’ Strategy: Writers’ Instructions Step 10 – Read the text completely for a second time. Step 11 – Review your previous annotations and determine the key points and supporting details to include in your writing. Step 12 – As you evaluate your information, be sure to add textual evidence to the chart on page 52 in your packet. Step 13 – Review the two different ways to arrange your ideas (p. 53 in your packet). Step 14 – Complete all parts of page 54 using what you’ve already written (B.C.R.’s #1 & 2) and annotated in the text. P- Preview the text. Look at the length, title, subtitles, and graphics. Q- Highlight all of the question(s) in the packet. T- Highlight each topic.
Language Arts – Closing Session 01/17/17 Reading/Writing Workshop Week #1 Day 4 READERS: Complete three items from the 2nd Read section of your Close Notes chart. You must use complete sentences for your answers. WRITERS:
Language Arts – Closing Session 01/14/17 REMINDERS The following items are DUE TODAY: Steps 1-14 in your reading/writing portfolio The following items are PAST DUE: N/A Upcoming items: Fri. (01/20) –Reading/Writing Folder Check #1
Language Arts – Closing Session 01/17/17 Essential Question: How can I prepare for the Georgia Milestones? What are my specific needs in reading or writing? Standard: ELACC6RL1 – Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Severe Weather Challenge! S.T.E.A.M.– E.L.T. 01/17/17 Severe Weather Challenge! Begin designing your projects. Remember to document your experiences in your packets as you are developing your projects. (Think about the constraints!) ***We will visit the library on Friday, so be sure to bring your books to class that day!***