Where are we Now and What is on the Horizon? Progress Monitoring Update January 2010
Overview Defining Progress Monitoring and Curriculum-Based Measurement Using Curriculum-Based Measurement Data to Develop IEPs Using Curriculum-Based Measurement Data to Strengthen Instructional Planning
Defining Student Progress Monitoring is an assessment involves ongoing data collection of skill deficits to monitor student rates of improvement to identify skills that students are not demonstrating adequate progress Thus, teachers may use progress monitoring to design more effective, individualized instructional programs for struggling learners
Types of Assessments Formative Summative Ongoing Measure Culmination Measure Assesses achievement throughout instruction Mastery Assessment Determines effectiveness of instruction Pass/Fail Results can drive instructional changes during the learning process Summarizes Knowledge Learned Ex. Informal (Oral/Written checks), KWL, probes, portfolios, rubrics Ex. End of Chapter Tests, PSSA, SAT, Final Exams
CBM vs Traditional Assessments (skill deficit focus) Traditional (curricular focus) Frequent and quick assessments of selected skill deficits Includes important, grade-level skills/content material Analysis of student progress over time Snapshot of learning based on information recently taught Determines modifications of instructional programs when needed and/or adjust student goals upward Focuses on mastery of curriculum/content knowledge Determines what you may want to reteach Each CBM test is different, but each form assesses the same types of skills at about the same level of difficulty. Assessments increase in difficulty over time as instruction is taught
Using CBM to Develop IEPs
How do you determine baselines for instructional levels? Multiple Assessments Reading Inventories (DRA, QRI) Rubrics AIMSWEB-(in academic assessment areas or reading, comprehension, writing and math) FBA Ecological Achievement Tests Curriculum/Program pre/post tests (SRA) *Aimsweb is a survey level of performance (baseline) and growth/development of targeted skills *Evaluates effectiveness of instruction
Writing IEP Goals with CBM Data Time “In 30 weeks…” Condition “… given 25 problems at the second grade level…” Learner “..Jose’…” Behavior “… will write …” Criterion “…37 correct digits in 2 minutes.”
Setting Appropriate Goals When setting goals the following must be considered: 1. Student’s current level of performance Expected Rate of Improvement Comparison with comparative data (norm chart) Criteria and expected timeline How the goal will be measured (attach data tool) Who will measure How will progress be reported
Sample IEP Statements Using CBM Data for Passage Reading Fluency Present Level of Performance: Given passages representing 3rd grade level material, Katy currently reads 57 words correct in 1 minute with 80% accuracy. Goal: In 30 weeks, given passages representing grade 3 material, Katy will read 102 words correctly in 1 minute with 85% accuracy.
Analysis of Progress Towards Annual Goals using CBM Assessment directly monitors each skill deficit stated for each annual goal (academic/ functional) Analyze progress throughout year and provide at least quarterly report on progress (assessments are equivalent in difficulty) Progress should reflect skill mastery or maintenance of skills Classroom grades should not be utilized to determine if students are making progress on goals!
Sample Progress Monitoring Report of Progress of IEP Goals In 30 weeks, given passages representing grade 3 material, Katy will read 102 words correctly in 1 minute with 85% accuracy. Report of Progress: An average score of the past 3 assessed passages representing 3rd grade level material, Katy currently reads 85 words correct in 1 minute with 83% accuracy. (see attached graph)
Strengthen Instructional Planning Using CBM to Strengthen Instructional Planning
What to Examine in CBM Data Increasing Scores: Student is improving skill deficits Flat/Decreasing Scores: Student is not profiting from instruction and requires a change in the instruction. Changes to the strategies/interventions….not necessarily the curriculum
Katy’s Progress on Words Read Correctly Katy Williams Reading 2 Words Read Correctly Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May
Jessica’s Progress on Words Read Correctly Jessica Jones Reading 2 Words Read Correctly Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May
Trend of student data is less steep than goal line: Make a teaching change. From Monitoring Basic Skills Progress
Trend of student data is steeper than goal line: Raise the goal. From Monitoring Basic Skills Progress
3-Point Rule If 6 weeks of instruction have occurred and student has at least 3 data points, examine the most recent 3 consecutive scores. If all 3 scores fall below the goal line, an intervention is required. If all 3 scores fall above the goal line, a goal raise may be considered.
Answering the question, “What Intervention should I use,” may require a bit of detective work, such as the following: Task Analysis of required skills needed compared to student’s skill set Error Analysis of assessments Exploration of the student’s learning environment and educational history/ experiences Review of previous diagnostic assessments Heart of special education
CBM Feedback to Students Motivating students to work hard Encouraging goal-directed behavior
Questions Students Ask Themselves about CBM Graphs Are my scores going up? What’s my highest score? Can I beat it in the next 2 weeks? What skill(s) do I want to work hard on during the next 2 weeks to try to increase my score?
What is on the Horizon? Summer Academies Journey III (Progress Monitoring, using excel, WOJO overview, analyzing data and reporting on progress) CAIU located trainings Reading Assessments
Resources Website: http://www.wssd.k12.pa.us/webpages/sfarmer/index.cfm Web site: www.studentprogress.org