Housing Is Infrastructure: Why We Need to Make the Case to Our Communities Heather Voorman National Association of Local Housing Finance Agencies
Housing is Infrastructure: Reframing the Conversation
The Message is Backfiring Who wants to live next to poor people? I worked to get out of the ghetto. Most people I know are doing pretty OK. These data don’t sound right to me. What has changed? Why is this happening to more people these days? This issue has nothing to do with me. It’s not my responsibility to solve other’s problems.
Are We Part of the Problem?
Telling the Story of Community
What are the Impacts of Investment in Affordable Housing? Transportation/Commuting Economic/Workforce Children/Families
It’s Happening in Your Community! Making the link between the housing affordability issues and your community.
What Can You Do? Capture the Impacts Reframe the Story Tell the Story
What Can You Do? Press Conferences Ground breakings Ribbon cuttings Social media (Facebook, Twitter) Local Website Newspapers Newsletters
Questions? Heather Voorman, JD NALHFA Policy Director Email: hvoorman@nalhfa.org Phone: 202-367-2405