This template is for you to use and adapt as part of the YO Social Enterprise Leaders Programme The Youth Social Enterprise Leadership programme is delivered as part of the Catalyst consortia. Catalyst is a consortium of four organisations working with the Department for Education’s (DfE) as the strategic partner for young people, as part of the Department’s wider transition programme for the sector. Catalyst will work to deliver three key objectives over a two year period. It will strengthen the youth sector market, equip the sector to work in partnership with Government and coordinate a skills development strategy for the youth sector’s workforce. The consortium is coordinated by the National Council for Voluntary Youth Services (NCVYS) with three partners: National Youth Agency (NYA), Social Enterprise UK, and The Young Foundation 4/12/2019
Strategic Plan
Where are we now? 4/12/2019
Background Current context in which the organisation exists. 4/12/2019
Market Summary Summarise findings from your PEST analysis. Support with accurate data. 4/12/2019
Current Organisational Performance Summarise SWOT Support with evidence 4/12/2019
Current Organisational Performance Performance for the last 3 years. Support with evidence 2008 2009 2010 Revenue Costs Profit Net Assets 4/12/2019
Strategic Issues Bring the previous slides together by stating the key strategic questions they pose for the organisation to consider. 4/12/2019
Where do we want to be? 4/12/2019
Mission Statement Factual statement of intent. The reason the organisation exists. 4/12/2019
Vision Statement Inspirational and motivational vision of the future organisation. 4/12/2019
Business Concept Provide a simple visual representation of the overall business concept. 4/12/2019
Organisation Goals What the organisation must achieve to be successful. 4/12/2019
How are we going to get there? 4/12/2019
Objectives Specific outcomes expressed in measurable terms (NOT activities) 4/12/2019
High Level Plan Year 1 2011 Year 2 2012 Year 3 2013 Key Activities 4/12/2019
High Level Financial Plan 4/12/2019
Business Structure 4/12/2019
Sources of Completive Advantage 4/12/2019
Alignment of the organisation Strategic Plan Action Plans Evaluation Mission Vision Goals Objectives Initiatives Measures Targets 4/12/2019
Key Strategic Projects 4/12/2019
How will we measure our success? 4/12/2019
Key Milestones 4/12/2019
Strategic Measures - Balanced Scorecard Strategic Priorities Measure Frequency Metric Status Accountability Definition and Why Use Actual Target Tolerance RAG Quadrant Owner: Finance Customer Operations & Process People & Culture 4/12/2019