Government Parliament Other stakeholders Political impact - schools Government Parliament Other stakeholders
Department for Education (1) Latest Parliament…
Department for Education (2) DfE has policy teams that look at specific issues and support Govt initiatives And research staff who work across DfE or in specific teams. They are often a good first point of contact. DfE oversees 17 public bodies… Ofqual, Ofsted, Office of the Schools Adjudicator and many more
Department for Education (3) Single departmental plan: all the detail
Parliament Education select committee (Commons) All Party Parliamentary Groups: several education-focused groups that regularly meet to discuss policy issues and sector developments Assessed on reach (how widely benefits are felt) significance (how transformative are the benefits) Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology (POST)
Other stakeholders Depending on the topic may be worthwhile engaging with other stakeholders e.g. Think tanks such as Sutton Trust, Educational Endowment Foundation, Education Policy Institute… Charities such as Teach First, Shine, MyBnk, The Children’s Society, Beyond the Classroom… Assessed on reach (how widely benefits are felt) significance (how transformative are the benefits) Teacher’s organisations such as Chartered College of Teaching, National Association of Headteachers, Association of School and College Leaders….