Why do business services locate in large settlements? Ch. 12: Services Why do business services locate in large settlements?
World Cities Ancient world cities Medieval world cities Modern world cities
Hierarchy of Business Services 4 levels of cities 1)World cities (3 tiers) London, NY & Tokyo (3) Chicago, Paris, Sao Paulo (9) Only 2 of 9 are in LDCs Toronto, Manila, Madrid, Rio, Johannesburg, Sydney (22)
Hierarchy of World Cities Fig. 12-14: London, New York, and Tokyo are the dominant world cities in the global economy. Other major and secondary world cities play lesser roles.
2) Command & Control centers HQ of TNCs, banking, education, etc. Regional & subregional American examples in text
3)Specialized Producer-Service Centers narrow/highly specialized variety of services Car industry in Detroit State capitals w/ university - Lansing 4)Dependent Centers unskilled jobs 4 subtypes (resort/retirement, manufacturing, industrial/military, & mining)
Business-Service Cities in the U.S. Fig. 12-15: Below the world cities in the hierarchy of U.S. cities are command and control centers, specialized producer-service centers, and dependent centers.
Economic Base of Settlements Basic vs. Nonbasic industries Shift in concept of basic industry from original status as manufacturing to more service based Distribution of talent – job opportunities, financial incentives, **cultural diversity
Economic Base of U.S. Cities Fig. 12-16: Cities that have a high proportion of their labour force engaged in the specified economic activity shown.
Geography of Talent Fig. 12-17: Cities with high levels of talent (scientists, professionals, etc.) are also often cities with high levels of diversity.