Team SST Launch Readiness Review Fall 2010 LRR 11-02-10 Team SST Launch Readiness Review Vlad Soukhovei, John Marcantonio, Kara Bongiovanni, Eric James, Sean Rivera, Daniel Flora 11/02/10
Mission Overview Ascend to 30 km, collecting data regarding temperature, air density, sound Compare air density to sound to confirm expected relationship Compare amounts of Carbon dioxide with sound data Hypothesis: air density goes down=frequency increases, amplitude decreases Large amounts of carbon dioxide result in new recorded frequencies Why? Use sound as means of detecting gas
Predictions -As air density decreases due to altitude, frequency of sound will increase -As air density decreases, amplitude will decrease -Pitch will decrease with an increase in carbon dioxide percentage in ambient air
Biggest Worries/Concerns BalloonSat is overweight Difficulty extracting sound data due to outside noise Identifying a correlation between carbon dioxide levels and sound data
Core Requirements Requirement Result BalloonSat internal temperature shall remain above -10 degrees Celcius Confirmed by cold test BalloonSat shall not exceed 850 grams BalloonSat is currently overweight (app. 940 g) Budget shall not exceed $300.00 Budget is currently at $283.97 Materials/Components (HOBO, foam core, temp probes, flight string/tube, camera, scientific experiment, flag,heater) All necessary components are accounted for