Comprehension Toolkit Inferential comprehension 2 Compare and contrast
Comprehension means understanding. Comprehension Toolkit Inferential comprehension 2 Comprehension means understanding. The best way to understand a text is to ask yourself questions as you read it. The answers to some questions are easy to find, while the answers to others are more difficult to work out.
These two starfish have the same shape. They are different colours. Comprehension Toolkit Inferential comprehension 2 To compare and contrast information, look at what is the same and what is different. These two starfish have the same shape. They are different colours.
Comprehension Toolkit Inferential comprehension 2 One way of comparing and contrasting information is with a graphic organiser. The middle column shows how the starfish are the same or similar. The first and third columns show how they are different. starfish 1 starfish 1 and 2 starfish 2 different same red colour same shape both have lumps yellow–brown colour
Let’s compare a bee and a butterfly. Comprehension Toolkit Inferential comprehension 2 Let’s compare a bee and a butterfly. The bee landed on the yellow flower and used its long, tube-like tongue to suck up the nectar. Beside it, a yellow and purple butterfly was sucking nectar from a red flower. How are the bee and the butterfly the same? They are both insects. (We can use our own knowledge to draw this conclusion.) Both are drinking nectar. Both are sitting on flowers.
How are the bee and the butterfly different? Comprehension Toolkit Inferential comprehension 2 The bee landed on the yellow flower and used its long, tube-like tongue to suck up the nectar. Beside it, a yellow and purple butterfly was sucking nectar from a red flower. How are the bee and the butterfly different? They look different. (We can use our own knowledge to draw this conclusion.) They are sitting on different flowers.
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