Geo Day 65
Starter This is the runic alphabet What group of people, do you think used it? Write your name using the runic alphabet
Essay Time 30 min
Norse Ancient Scandinavia (Northern Europe) Mostly farmers and merchants in tribes or clans Occasionally some would go on raids, called Vikings If you went on a Viking, you were called a Viking. When you returned, you went back to being a farmer.
Norse Stories Prose Edda or Poetic Edda Gods live in Asgard Details the mythology of Norse people Gods live in Asgard
Odin King of Asgard God of wisdom, war, magic Old English = Woden The All-Father God of wisdom, war, magic Old English = Woden Woden’s Day = Wednesday
Thor God of thunder and lighting Thor’s Day = Thursday
Freya Goddess of magic and love Freya’s Day = Friday
Loki God of mischief Sometimes assists the gods, and sometimes stops their progress
Article: Everything Marvel Got Wrong About Thor and Norse Mythology
Norse Legends