Senior Assembly Class of 2018 An earned diploma is a right. Participation in graduation activities is a privilege. Cholla High School May 11, 2018
Calendar of Senior Events May 16th All student debts must be cleared in the Finance Office (Per Board Policy IKFB) Memories/Honors Night 6pm in Auditorium (Seniors by 5pm in gown) Mandatory practice 11:46am, 5th period in the Auditorium May 14-18 Senior Final Exams All senior grades due 5/18/18- Agave, Credit Recovery included May 18th Luau 6:30-9:00pm in Amphitheater May 21st Mandatory Senior Check-Out Day 8:30am in Cafeteria May 24 Senior Breakfast 7:30am (Graduating seniors only) Graduation Practice Following Breakfast (9-10:30am) Graduation 7:00pm (Graduates arrive @5:45pm)
Books & Finance All bills, library obligations, and other school debts must be paid. Deadline: Wednesday, May 16, 2018 Failure to pay debts may result in the participation privileges including: Denial of participation in commencement ceremony Denial of right to obtain a yearbook Denial of purchasing a yearbook (Board Policy #JQ)
Grades & Deadlines Senior final exams are May 14-18th Senior credit recovery classes must be completed by 5/18 Senior grades are due Friday, May 18th Senior Survey Due : May 16th Required for graduation Seniors will write about future plans, awards, scholarships, etc. Survey must be completed with Ms. Cabral in the career center
Senior Memories/Honors Night Mandatory practice will be Wednesday, May 16th, 11:46 a.m., 5th period. In the auditorium. Senior Memories/ Honors Night, Wednesday, May 16th, 6:00 p.m. in the auditorium. Students report at 5:00 p.m. to the gym in graduation gown(no caps). Senior Memories/Honors Night is for seniors graduating in May, only! The program includes awards, scholarships, student slide show, music and final thoughts.
Senior Luau Friday, May 18th from 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. in the Amphitheater. This event is for seniors and their immediate family only please. (parents/guardians and siblings)
Senior Check-Out Day Monday, May 21st, 8:30 a.m., Cafeteria. This is mandatory for all graduating seniors. Seniors will be visiting the following check-out stations: Bookstore/Debts Senior Contract/Code of Conduct Handicap passes Senior Surveys Final Station – Ticket for Senior Breakfast
Senior Breakfast & Graduation Rehearsal Thursday, May 24th, 7:30 a.m., Senior Breakfast is in the cafeteria. This event is for our graduating seniors only. Thursday, May 24th, 9:00 to 10:30 a.m., mandatory graduation rehearsal is in the auditorium/football stadium. Students must have cleaned out their lockers and paid all outstanding fees prior to Monday, May 21st, 2018. Failure to pay fees will result in being restricted from the graduation ceremony.
Graduation Ceremony The Auditorium will be opened at 5:45 p.m. Graduates must report to the auditorium no later than 6:30 p.m. A photographer will be present at graduation. Grad Images will be facilitating these pictures. They can be contacted at 800-261-2576 or at In order to participate in the graduation commencement ceremony, students must: Attend and be cleared on Senior Check-out Day (May 21st) Attend rehearsal Wear designated cap and gown and meet standards of dress code No decorating of caps or gowns Only sashes for IB, NHS, and JTED are permitted (Chords only for others) Successfully complete requirements for graduation (credits, debts, etc.) Not be in possession of or under the influence of any illegal substance Not be under suspension or other restrictive discipline (Board Policy #IFKB) Sashes for only -IB, NHS, JTED Chords only for others
Caps and Gowns If you haven’t ordered your cap & gown. Please do so as soon as possible. Email: Phone: (520) 745-5289 Fax: (520) 745-8201 2927 N. Country Club Rd. Tucson, AZ 85716
YEARBOOKS $75 24 more pages! More clubs and teams Special cover design
Senior Class Photo Friday, May 11th in the Gym during 2nd Period
Make it to the finish line! Final Thoughts Make it to the finish line!