Dr. Kieran McCarthy www.corkheritage.ie Constructing Senses of Place: Cultural Heritage, Inclusion & the role of the Discover Cork: Schools’ Heritage Project Dr. Kieran McCarthy www.corkheritage.ie
Contexts: Historical Walking Tours Cork Independent research project & weekly column (1999-2018) Academic interest in landscape and memory-How a sense of place is constructed? Discover Cork: Schools’ Heritage Project (2002-2019) - www.corkheritage.ie - City Councillor Contexts:
Kieran’s Knap Sack Themes / An Open Canvas of Heritage Geography Location The Storied City Investigating Discovering Celebrating Researching Recovering A living past A personal past People’s Voices Inheritance History Knowledge Memory Identity Place-making Culture Legacies Time Architecture of life Familiarity Unknown How we remember Transformations Rituals Representations Renewal Recognition that heritage has multiple levers, different lenss & moving parts…
Bringing Heritage & Society into the Classroom: Exploring definitions, Values and Practice
Heritage as an economic resource, one explained everywhere as a primary component to promote tourism, economic development and rural and urban regeneration
(2) Heritage as a political resource in the construct of national and local identity. Photo: Denis Dineen, Macroom
(3) Heritage as a means of legitimating a people’s present attitudes and actions by affirming their resemblance to past ones, which we term tradition.
(4) Heritage as a harmonious experience - providing familiarity, guidance and escape
(5) Heritage as a means of fixing meanings to places
Heritage as A Way of Life Hi Story Cherish Time Real Layers Change Understanding
Discover Cork: Schools’ Heritage Project, 2002-2019 Towards a Sense of Place: - The Values of Local Heritage in the Classroom Discover Cork: Schools’ Heritage Project, 2002-2019
(a) The study of local events, people and their life-styles is immediate and tangible for a child
(c) Stimulates interest in the features of the locality - Children can become familiar and learn to learn the value of the local environment
(d) Stimulates enthusiasm about the past and appeals to children’s sense of curiosity, their emotions and imaginations
(e) Fosters the child’s aesthetic awareness
(f) Promotes a sense of responsibility for the care and enhancement of the local environment
(g) Children can learn to appreciate the elements of the past which have given them and their locality a sense of identity
(h) Engages children in lively, purposeful activity in the classroom and in extensive exploration of the local environment
(i) Provide excellent opportunities for integrated studies
(j) Develop apart from historical skills, wider skills of co-operation, communications and problem – solving
Some Conclusions: Different heritage levers at play Engaging the next generation a must A Way of Life Make Heritage personal Make Heritage creative Make Heritage cross-disciplinary Celebrate the different voices of Heritage