15/11 2018 3:50 PM, Madhavi (Orange Room) Draft slides, 14 November
Enriching the Organisation File What should we consider for IATI 3? 15/11 2018 3:50 PM, Madhavi (Orange Room) Draft slides, 14 November
The current Organisation-file – a roughly carved, brief history Version 1 of the Organisation-format was rushed, and never attracted anywhere near the amount of attention as the Activity-format. Nevertheless, almost all efforts to improve the IATI standard, version 2, was still directed towards the activity-file. This means that we still have only rude and flat formats for exchange of data regarding publishers overall budget-expectations. Rude assumption, that all organisations are planning and budgeting against geographical priorities. Rude assumption, that all organisations are using disbursement budgets as primary management measure 15/11 2018 3:50 PM, Madhavi (Orange Room) Draft slides, 14 November
What do we need – what could we use? Budget-data that resembles the actual planning-approach of the organisation Historical data, that resembles the audited data, e.g. published in annual reports Voluntary elements: Structure (e.g. hieararchy) that allows identification of the distinct portfolios of the organisation Financial measures that allows publication of the data used for planning (e.g. commitment-budgets, expected income (core as well as softly earmarked) Balance-sheet data 15/11 2018 3:50 PM, Madhavi (Orange Room) Draft slides, 14 November
When – what kind of upgrade? IATI 3 Changing structure of budget-element Removing redundant budget element Design singular budget-element, with tags to hold data on standard-dimensions such as country, region, sector, organisation.. IATI 2.0x Adding new tags to current budget elements: Status of historical data (audited or not) Type of financial measure, used in budgets (commitment or disbursement/expenditure) Expected income, overall (core-contributions) or per budget-lins (softly earmarked) Status of expected income (realised, pledged or not) 15/11 2018 3:50 PM, Madhavi (Orange Room) Draft slides, 14 November
Any problems in the horizon? Should the flow of funds, channelled through an organisation as tightly earmarked, be considered part of the organisations budget at all? As separate measure or notes? 15/11 2018 3:50 PM, Madhavi (Orange Room) Draft slides, 14 November
PS – please note relation to other presentations These sessions are related, in the sense they are aiming for an improved use of our Organisation-file. But the scope is different: Softly Earmarked (Tuesday 4:30, Madhavi): Suggesting that we should create a join between organisation- and activity- files, to better reflect cooperation under softly earmarked og un-earmarked modalities. Budget data (Thursday 2:00, Madhavi): Elaborating on the fact that we could already make better use of the current standard for Organisation-files. 15/11 2018 3:50 PM, Madhavi (Orange Room) Draft slides, 14 November