Constant and Contrast Color
Value: When we describe a color as "light" or "dark", we are discussing its value or "brightness". This property of color tells us how light or dark a color is based on how close it is to white. For instance, canary yellow would be considered lighter than navy blue which in turn is lighter than black. Therefore, the value of canary yellow is higher than navy blue and black. VALUE/BRIGHTNESS Low Value, Constant - same brightness level Contrast of Value - grayscale = no chroma Contrast of Value - stark differences in brightness
Dimensions of Value Pure hues vary in value white 9 8 yellow white 9 8 yellow yellow/ orange 7 orange 6 yellow/ green red/orange 5 mid grey green red 4 blue/ green red/violet 3 blue violet 2 blue/ violet 1 black
Dimensions of Value Small amounts of high chroma are noticed and backgrounds are ignored Color is more intense: Placed next to its opposite Places against a dull/ wht/gry/blk Color is less intense: Places next to neighbors Colors of the same value
Tints, Tones and Shades: The important thing to remember is how the color varies from its original hue Tints (adding white to a pure hue) Shades (adding black to a pure hue) Tones (adding gray to a pure hue)
Values and Constants Learning how to mix color to achieve the same tint and shade across the Color spectrum. Constants can help build harmony and rhythm and make A composition more peaceful.
contrast- wider the difference between values the greater the contrast. the widest being black and white can make objects stand out and increase their perceived size. Used to create Emphasis
Contrasts and Emphasis Learning how to mix color to achieve color contrasts. The use of contrast between warm and cool colors. The use of contrast between color and black/white
Warm colors: red, yellow, orange. Cool colors: blue, green, violet. Neutral colors (A-chromatic): black, white, gray Colors with no identifiable hue
Constant and Contrast Color To understand the concepts of constant and contrast color we will use fonts as inspiration to create two design boards. Use two different letters in the same or differing fonts to create a design template for two separate design boards 9x12. Board 1: constant- (two 4x5 squares) Low value High value Board 2: contrast- (two 4x5 squares) Warm dominance with black/white contrast Cool dominance with warm contrast