UNIT 11: E-JUSTICE Francisco de Paula PUIG BLANES Senior Judge
E-JUSTICE: ONLINE JUSTICE IN THE EUROPEAN UNION: Development Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee of 30 May 2008 Towards a European e-Justice Strategy European Council of 18 and 19 June 2008 Resolution from the European Parliament of 18 December 2008 with recommendations for the Commission on e-Justice Multi-annual European e-Justice action plan on European justice online Stockholm Programme 11 December 2009 Opening of the portal: 16 July
E-JUSTICE: ONLINE JUSTICE IN THE EUROPEAN UNION : Content Electronic processing of the European order for payment procedure, transnational justice requests and the European small claims procedure. Database of interpreters and translators, registers of notaries public and lawyers. Glossaries and tables of semantic concordances. Videoconference management, Electronic mediation. Secure online electronic communication and payment systems. Interconnection of registers of insolvencies, wills and criminal records. Possible integration of the EBR business register and EULIS land registry information service, Mechanisms for automatic legal translation. Access to law and case law (national and European).