بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Islamic University of Gaza Engineering Faculty
Technical English ENGG 1305 Basil Hamed, Ph. D. Control Systems Engineering http://site.iugaza.edu.ps/bhamed/ bhamed@iugaza.edu
Course Syllabus Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technical English ENGG 1305 Prerequisite: General English Instructor : Basil Hamed, Ph.D. Control Systems Engineering Office : B336 e-mail : bhamed@ iugaza.edu bahamed@hotmail.com WebSite : http://site.iugaza.edu.ps/bhamed/ Phone : 2644400 Ext. 2875 Meeting :ENGG 1305 (S, M, W) 11:00-12:00 (N 517)
Course Syllabus Course Description: English Technical Writing, is designed to teach engineering students how to effectively communicate technical information. Specifically, it helps students learn how to report technical information to a non-technical audience in both oral and written formats. We will work to better understand and develop our writing process, composing with word and image.
Course Syllabus References: Text Book: Mark Ibbotson, Cambridge English for Engineering, Cambridge References: Michael Alley, “ The Craft of Scientific Writing” 3rd ed., 2000. http://www.me.vt.edu/writing/ Huckin, T. and Olsen. L. Technical writing and professional communication for non-native speakers of English. McGraw-Hill, 1991 Handbook of Technical Writing, 4th ed.,1993 by Charles T. Brusaw, Gerald J. Alred, and Walter E. Oliu
Course Syllabus Course Aim: Develop language skills for greater accuracy and precision Provide students with opportunities to improve their English communication skills in the context of their own interests, disciplines and/or future career aspirations Give students further opportunities to explore how to use English as a tool for inquiry, learning, thinking and communicating within their chosen fields or areas of interest. To be able to speak & Write technical English
Course Syllabus Materials Covered: Technology in use Material Technology Components and assemblies Engineering design Technical development Procedures and precautions Theory and Practice Pushing the boundaries Technical Reports .
Units Chapters Unit 1 Design Chapters 1-3: Drawing, Design Development, design solutions Unit 2 Measurement Chapters 4-7, 9: Horizontal and vertical Measurements, Locating and setting out, Dimensions of circles, Dimensional accuracy, Area, size and mass Unit 3 Material Technology Chapters 11-17: Material types, Steel, Non-ferrous metals, Polymers, Minerals and ceramics, Concrete, Wood Unit 4 Manufacturing and Assembly Chapters 26-29: Interconnection, Mechanical fasteners, Non-mechanical joints
Unit 5 Static And Dynamic Principles Chapters 30, 32-33: Load, stress and strain, Structural mechanics, Motion and simple machines Unit 6 Energy & temperature Chapters 36-37: Energy, Heat & temperature Unit 7 Mechanisms Chapters 40-41: Engines and motors, Transmission Unit 8 Electricity Chapters 43-45: Current, voltage and resistance, Electrical supply, Circuits and components
Course Syllabus Course outcomes: • Develop language skills for greater accuracy and precision, • Learn how to persuade audience, • Deliver presentations and receive constructive feedback, • Participate in discussions and debates, • Produce clear technical documents, • Practice writing, using relevant professional formats, • Enhance your confidence in using English in various engineering contexts.
Course Syllabus Grading System: Homework, and Class participation 10 % Quizzes 10 % Mid term Exam 30 % (29/3/2018, 11:30-12:30) Final Exam 50 % (30 /5/2018, 11:00-1:00) Pop Quizzes: Will be given in the class Homework Homework assignments are to be returned on time. No excuses will be accepted for any delay. Office Hours Open-door policy, by appointment or as posted.
See You next Saturday