Welcome to MMS 2009-2010 School-wide Title I School TEAM-Math AMSTI (Alabama Math Science Technology Initiative) 21st Century Community Learning Center AYP – 21 / 21 Goals Met!!
Communication between school and home is a key factor for the success of our students!! Homework Planners $6.50 –Available for purchase tonight Please visit our county web site at www.elmoreco.com. Our school web site is http://www.mymillbrookmiddle.com/. Each teacher will have their own information link. STI Home School Messenger
5th Grade Teachers Christen Atkins Vivian Crosby Sarah Porter Mary Gibbs Elizabeth Hicks Shannon Lackey Claressia Boone Trey McQueen Lisa Roberts Glenda Stanford
6th Grade Teachers Susan Barnes Wendy Watts Leslie Dennis Lisa McKenzie Shelia Varner Lolita Fields Susan Crowell Kim Gontko Melissa Nelson Ferdinianda Coleman Ursula White
Car Rider/Bus Rider Procedures Car riders should be dropped off between 7:15 AM and 7:45 AM between the 5th and 6th grade buildings. Students go straight to class at this time.
Car Rider/Bus Rider Procedures Car riders are released in the afternoon at 2:50 PM. Bus riders are loaded at 2:55 PM, therefore we can not accept phone calls to change transportation or check outs past 2:15 PM. All students should be picked up from the campus by 3:15 PM.
Student Progress Tuesday Folders Progress reports – Mid-quarter Report cards - Sent home every 9 weeks STI Home- Grades updated within 72 hrs.
Schools are funded based on the number of students that attend the 20 days after Labor Day. It is very important that the students attend school.
What are the school rules? In interactions with adults, do what you are told the first time. Treat others with respect. Report to classes prepared (with materials) everyday. Keep MMS looking its best. The Elmore County Student Code of Conduct and MMS Student Handbook will strictly be enforced. Please read and familiarize yourself with this manual.
Discipline Make sure you read the Elmore County Code of Conduct and MMS Supplemental Student Handbook carefully with your child. At MMS, 5th and 6th graders will follow the disciplinary guidelines for grades 5-12. The dress code in the handbooks will be fully enforced.
Breakfast at MMS Students now have the option of eating breakfast each morning at MMS. Breakfast will be served from 7:20AM-7:50AM each morning in three waves.
Breakfast / Lunch Prices Full Price Breakfast - $1.00 Reduced Price Breakfast - $0.30 Full Price Lunch - $2.00 Reduce Price Lunch - $0.40 Students that receive free lunch also receive free breakfast.
Lunch money may be paid daily, weekly, or monthly Lunch money may be paid daily, weekly, or monthly. However, we encourage all payments to be made on Mondays. We do accept checks for lunch. No charges will be allowed this year.
Students may purchase snack &/or juice from the school Students may purchase snack &/or juice from the school. Please only send money for snack DAILY, and separate from lunch money. If your child must follow a special diet for medical reasons, please contact the office.
Items to Purchase Student Planners - $6.50 Workbooks - $12 (Grammar Practice & Selection Test) STI Home (Grades updated within 72 Hours) - $10 / $5.00 per Semester) PTO Membership - $5.00
21st Century Learning Community – Grades 5-8 Please come and join the 21st Century Learning Community. After school care from 3:00-5:30PM Homework Help!! Math & Reading Many enrichment activities!! Pick up applications in the office.
We look forward to a great school year!!!!!