NOTES-CHECK #s 1 – 5 YESTERDAY September 27, 2016 Global II Agenda: DO NOW: Term Matching NOTES #6: What were the early stages of the French Revolution? CLASS ACTIVITY: French Revolution DBQs NOTES-CHECK #s 1 – 5 YESTERDAY
What were the early stages of the French Revolution? Notes #6
Meeting of the Estates-General (May 5, 1789) As conditions grew worse in France, King Louis XVI called the Estates-General in 1789 to solve this crisis. Meeting of the Estates-General (May 5, 1789)
Tennis Court Oath of the National Assembly (June 20, 1789) In response, the Third Estate declared itself the National Assembly and vowed to write a new constitution for France. Tennis Court Oath of the National Assembly (June 20, 1789)
The Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of Man, which stated that “men are born and remain free and equal in rights.” Declaration of Independence (1776) Declaration of the Rights of Man (1789)
In 1791, the Assembly created a new government for France to limit the power of the king.
Austria and Prussia invade France (1792) Other European nations began wars with France because they feared France’s revolutionary ideas would spread. Austria and Prussia invade France (1792)
In 1792, radicals, led by Maximilien Robespierre, took control of the Assembly . . .
King Louis XVI executed (January 21, 1793) . . . and the Reign of Terror began in France, during which thousands of people were executed for “treason”. Guillotine King Louis XVI executed (January 21, 1793)
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