BCEO Meeting Board Meeting CEO Report October 27, 2016 BCEO Meeting Board Meeting
RFP for Service Provision We received three Proposals: Dynamic Workforce Solutions ResCare Workforce Services Odle Management The committee scored Dynamic Workforce Solutions the highest on the written proposals. Recommended that we invite Dynamic and ResCare to make an oral presentation. Dynamic Workforce Solutions scored higher again and the committee recommended that I enter into negotiations. We have a signed contract.
Regional Planning WIOA requires regional planning and one of the steps is a Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (SWOT) analysis. We have a session planned for November 16 here in room 116 starting at 9:00 am and ending by 2:00pm Ricki Kozumplik, national recognized workforce consultant will facilitate the session
National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB)annual forum The annual forum is scheduled for March 25-28th in Washington D.C. Great learning experience and chance to interact with peers from across the country Funds have been included in the budget for Board members and Elected Officials to attend. We leave on Saturday and come back on Tuesday Early Bird registration is due on November 4 and saves $125.00 per registration Need to know your intent to attend.
Insurance We have increased the Directors’ and Officers’ coverage to 4 million Have added a cyber security insurance as recommended through our risk assessment Increased Employment Practices Liability Insurance May need to request budget adjustment to cover the increased coverage that was not planned prior to budget preparation
Planned performance for PY16 Outcomes Measure PY16 PY15 Actual Employment Rate 2nd Quarter After Exit Adults/Wagner-Peyser Dislocated Workers Youth 65.00% 75.80% 55.00% 60.22% 66.67% Not Measured Employment Rate 4th 60.70% 72.00% 54.00% Median Earnings 2nd $5,510.00 $7,500.00 No Goal $6,287.36 $7,313.95 Credential Attainment Within 4 Quarter after Exit Adults 77.00% 54.50% 53.00% 52.78%
PY15 Monitoring by the State Monitoring was conducted the first week of October They pulled random files from both COWIB and the East Central area Financial monitoring done on site No significant findings in any of the 6 sections of the monitoring Rosaland was acknowledged for working so closely with the state on our finances and they suggested formulating a plan for proper back-up Bill was praised for his work on policy and getting local policy out in advance of the state issuances and they appreciated his insight to the rules and regulations
Monitoring cont’d Yolanda was mentioned as a good resource for the state staff when working on youth policy given her background as an education administrator. They were pleased with the information contained in most of the files and made several comments about the completeness of case notes. There were files pointed out that we will go back and review to see if all the required uploads are being done They liked our records and it was apparent we had been doing our job in monitoring Expect an initial report in 30 days
Dynamic Workforce Solutions Our new service provider has almost completed the staffing of our contract. Although they are based in Wisconsin, most of the corporate staff live in different areas and work from home bases Lisa Rice is the Vice-President of Development and will be our primary contact working at the corporate level. Tom Summar is the Project Director and Ashley Sellers is the Deputy Director They are going through a complete file review where every enrolled client’s information is being checked. The commitment to quality work is evident throughout the organization
Staff Pamela Hunnicutt, ex director of East Central, who had been hired as our compliance and strategy officer has taken a job with Odle Management. They are the service provider of the Northeast Workforce Board. Ashley Sellers, who was the one-stop operator for the East Central area, has been hired by Dynamic Workforce Solutions (DWFS) as their Deputy Director for our area. Prior to taking the job with DWFS, Ashley and I had agreed on her becoming the Business Services Consultant for the five eastern counties. Now we have posted the job and are looking to fill that position. They will be housed in that area. The job description is on our web site. Issues with previous staff have been resolved