Genesee Intermediate School District AESA Annual Conference Genesee Opportunity Lisa Genesee Intermediate School District AESA Annual Conference November 30, 2018
Presenters: Dr. Lisa Hagel, Superintendent Mary Behm, Assistant Supt. Education and Learning Luke Wittum, Assistant Supt. Technology & Media
What we will share What is Genesee Opportunity? Lisa What is Genesee Opportunity? How Did We Get IT PASSED? Impact – Past, Present, Future
Needs Educated Workforce Financial Assistance What our county needs Educated Workforce Financial Assistance Opportunities for all Students Thriving Higher Education Institutions Thriving Training Programs Thriving Trades Lisa What our districts need Stable Enrollment What our graduating Seniors need Money with Flexibility Genesee Intermediate School District LEADERSHIP u SERVICE u INNOVATION Partnering for success! Proud to be an NCA accredited intermediate school district.
Genesee Opportunity (GO) Train and Retrain Youth for Genesee County’s future Concept would entail asking Genesee County residents for approval of a small millage to support all graduating seniors By receiving approval of .25 mill, every Genesee County graduating senior would receive a “jump start” stipend for the first year of further training Lisa
ALL Genesee County students ARE ELIGIBLE! Eligibility ALL Genesee County students ARE ELIGIBLE! This program is NOT based on income. EVERY graduating senior who resided in and attended a Genesee County high school. This includes registered home schooled graduates and GED recipients. Luke Genesee Intermediate School District LEADERSHIP u SERVICE u INNOVATION Partnering for success! Proud to be an NCA accredited intermediate school district.
Eligibility and Payment Genesee GO! Stipend Eligibility and Payment All graduating seniors who reside in and attend a high school in Genesee County are eligible to apply. A stipend can be received up to one year after high school graduation. The stipend is optional. A graduating student does not need to accept the stipend. Funds are dispersed beginning with the fall semester for qualified graduates. Luke Genesee Intermediate School District LEADERSHIP u SERVICE u INNOVATION Partnering for success! Proud to be an NCA accredited intermediate school district.
Eligibility and Payment Genesee GO! Stipend Eligibility and Payment A student does not get the money. The funding goes directly to the training entity or postsecondary educational institution. Payments will be made after the drop/add period or as directed by the program. Funds can be used immediately following graduation. Students are eligible to receive funding for one year after high school graduation. Luke Genesee Intermediate School District LEADERSHIP u SERVICE u INNOVATION Partnering for success! Proud to be an NCA accredited intermediate school district.
How Funds Can not be Used… Using Public funds prohibits certain expenditures Application Fees Housing Meal Plans Books/Course Materials Hobby/Recreation Courses Religious Courses Luke
Funds Paid directly to training institution Managed by GISD Unused funds accumulate for future students Senior count: 2015-2016 = 4,647 2016-2017 = 5,332 2017-2018 = 5,459 Luke Genesee Intermediate School District LEADERSHIP u SERVICE u INNOVATION Partnering for success! Proud to be an NCA accredited intermediate school district.
Voters approved millage! Genesee Opportunity Voters approved millage! In August of 2016, Genesee County voters approved a ¼ mill (.25 mill) for 20 years, so every Genesee County graduating senior would receive a “jump start”, one-time stipend for the first year of further education and training. Luke Genesese Intermediate School District LEADERSHIP u SERVICE u INNOVATION Partnering for success! Proud to be an NCA accredited intermediate school district.
How Did We Pass GO Social Media Worked with Local Districts Steps Social Media Worked with Local Districts Educated Parents & Grandparents Plan of Unused Funds to Grow the Stipend Every Year – 20 Years Worked with Chamber of Commerce Met with Graduating Seniors Luke
Map of Where 2016-2018 Genesee go funds are being used Genesee Go Map Map of Where 2016-2018 Genesee go funds are being used Mary
2016- 2018 Growth Mary
2016- 2019 Growth Mary
Administration & Career Counseling Costs Full Time Career Counselor / Coordinator Part Time Secretary Part Time Business Office Support Total Cost - $200,000 Mary Genesee Intermediate School District LEADERSHIP u SERVICE u INNOVATION Partnering for success! Proud to be an NCA accredited intermediate school district.
Genesee Intermediate School District Presents to: Clark Griswold the Genesee Opportunity Award To further college & career opportunities _______________________ _______________________ Principal Name, School Mary Behm, Assistant Superintendent for Education and Learning Mary
QUESTIONS? Mary Genesee Intermediate School District LEADERSHIP u SERVICE u INNOVATION Partnering for success! Proud to be an NCA accredited intermediate school district.
Genesee intermediate board of education THANKS TO THE… Genesee intermediate board of education Jerry G. Ragsdale, President Lawrence P. Ford, Vice President Cindy A. Gansen, Secretary Richard E. Hill, Treasurer Dr. Paul D. Newman, Trustee Dr. Lisa A. Hagel, Superintendent Mary