Protection of the Environment and Ecological Crime Authors: Aleksandra žižić(121/17) lazar saveljić(87/17) đorđije drinčić(33/17) II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018
General Environmental Issues Enviroment Definition Human Concept of Enviroment What is Environment ? Universal Problems Regional Problems Declaration of Ecological state Montenegro Constitution of Republic Montenegro (article 1, 19, 65) General Environmental Issues II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018
Ecological Crime Awareness Lack of International Commitment Negligence Lack of Inovations Lack of Incrimination and Protection Lack of International Commitment II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018
Enviroment in Montenegro Environmental Protection 20.09.1991-The first Self-declared Ecological Country in the World Summit in Johannesburg -2001 Post Independence Directions Legal Protection of Environment Zakon o Zaštiti Životne sredine(Sl.list 052/16) II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018
Instruments of Protection Zakon o Zaštiti Životne Sredine (Environmental Protection Act) (Off. Journal of MNE, No. 052/16) Main Goals Subjects Monitoring Reports Principles Instruments of Protection II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018
Lex Specialis Criminal law Act – Chapter 25 – Crimes against the enviroment National Parks Act (Off. Journal of MNE, No. 039/16) Strategic Assessment of Environmental Impact Act (Off. Journal of MNE, No. 59/11) Forests Act, Nature Protection Act, Sea Act, Mountain Paths Act... II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018
EU Integrations - Standards in Environmental Protection EU-Chapter 27 Control of Natural Resources Improved Life Standard Protection of Flora and Fauna II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018
Results of Screening Process Partially aligned Lack of general national plan and policy Lack of quality staff and equipment II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018
Examples II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018
Perspective of Environmental Protection in Montenegro Future of environment Better legal regulation Seeking intnernational help Improvement of national plans and policy regarding environment Raising awareness