Why are people poor, and what do we do about it? Poverty and Welfare Why are people poor, and what do we do about it? Old textbook pages 284-285
Why Are People Poor? Social structure (blame the society) Features of society deny some people access to wealth: Limit education and job skill training Emphasize race, age, gender discrimination Characteristics of individuals (blame the person) Not so much a focus on laziness, lack of intelligence Focus on dropping out of school, having children at an early age In US, we tend to divide the poor into 2 categories: Deserving poor: poor through no fault of their own Undeserving poor: brought on their own poverty The sociological perspective: Avoid labeling “deserving” or “underserving” Avoid blaming the victim Look at what social conditions create poverty
Welfare in the US Current law: The good: The bad: Lifetime cap on welfare (5 years, less in some states) Welfare recipients required to look for work and take available jobs The good: Recipients can become self-sufficient and hard-working Reduces welfare costs 2 of 5 who left welfare also were no longer in poverty The bad: 3 of 5 who left welfare were still in poverty or return to it 1/3 of people required to leave welfare have no jobs Personal problems keep some from working: Health issues, no transportation, no childcare, addiction) Some communities don’t have jobs to apply for Some work but earn so little that they remain in poverty