The greatest artist of all time Diego Velázquez The greatest artist of all time
Facts about velázquez! He was one of the most important artists of the Spanish Golden Age. Velázquez was the leading artist in King Philip IV’s court he was the only one of King Philip IV’s court painters to get a payslip for his paintings. He lived in the Baroque period.
D.O.B. and D.O.D. He was born 420 years ago on the 6th of June 1599 in Seville, Spain. Valázquez died on the 6th August 1660 at the age of 61. The name he was given at birth was; Diego Rodríguez De Silva Y Velázquez. He was died in Madrid, Spain.
What is he famous for? Diego Velázquez is most famous for his painting ‘Las Meninas’ which means ‘ladies in waiting’. He is also well-known for the paintings; ‘Apollo In The Forge Of Vulcan’, ‘Old Woman Frying Eggs’, ‘Christ Crucified’, ‘Infanta Margarita Teresa In A Blue Dress’, ‘Las Hilanderas’, ‘The Surrender Of Breda’, ‘Rokeby Venus (Venus At Her Mirror)’ and ‘Portrait Of Innocent X’.
Las meninas:HIS MOST FAmous PAINTING
facts about ‘las meninas’! The person who stands in the center of ‘Las Meninas’ is the Infanta Margarita (the princess) who was just five years old in the painting. Velázquez painted himself standing just behind the princess at his easel probably painting the scene. The original ‘Las Meninas’ was partly damaged by a fie in 1734; following this some of it was repainted.
Interesting facts! Velázquez had 3 children called Francisca De Silva Velázquez Y Pacheco, Ignacia De Silva Velázquez Y Pacheco and Antonio de Silva. He married Juana Pacheo in 1618 and they were married until Diego died. Diego didn’t always stick to the rules so he was often referred to as a rebel.