WALT: Recognise leisure phrases in the past, present and future tenses. WILF: To be able to recognise and use 3 different tenses correctly for grade C and above.
RECAP Read the summary of the three tenses. Copy this information and make sure you can find it easily. You will need to refer back to this often.
Circle the phrase which is the odd one out Circle the phrase which is the odd one out. Then decide the reason, A, B or C below.
Look at the 10 phrases in the speech bubbles Look at the 10 phrases in the speech bubbles. Work out which tense is being used, then translate each one into English. Remember, time expressions give a big clue to the tense being used!
EXTENSION: Look at the phrases again. Re-write the Past phrases into the Present, the Present phrases into the Future, and the Future phrases into the Past.