Today’s Agenda (5/3/16): Alcohol Review; Go Over HW (“Get Real About Teenage Drinking”) Today’s Central Question: The 2nd Amendment Firearms and the Law Brady Campaign’s Annual “Report Card” on Gun Control
Homework: DC v. Heller analysis (due tomorrow) Section Assessment 2 Thursday (20-25 questions; M-C and Matching)
A Preview of Tomorrow’s Doc: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this film are those of the participants and filmmakers. They do not necessarily represent the views of this teacher, Central Bucks High School – East or the Central Bucks School District.
Review: What do we mean by a alcohol being a “controlled substance?” What is the difference between a DUI offense and a DWI offense? How do “implied consent laws” work in terms of drinking and driving?
HW: Dr. David Hanson’s “Thoughts” on Teenaged Drinking Prof. David Hanson (Ph.D. – Sociology Dept.) State University of New York: Potsdam Campus
The 2nd Amendment “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the future of a free State, [as well as] the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” What exactly is a “militia”? Are they necessary in this day and age? What is meant by the term “Arms”? Does that mean any and all kinds can be owned by a private citizen? Do “infringed” and “regulated” mean the same thing? In your opinion, WHY did the framers create this amendment?
Firearms and the Law
Guns Concerning the Crime Rate: 1) Guns accounted for 67 percent of all homicides in the last ten years (2005-2015) 2) guns are the second-leading cause of injury-related deaths in the US (2015) 3) Guns claimed the lives of almost 32,000 US citizens (homicide, suicide, accidental shooting) in 2015
Guns (cont’d) Thirty one percent of US households claim to own a gun (according to recent surveys)
The 2nd Amendment & Regulating Guns 2nd Amendment gives citizens right to “bear arms” and organize themselves into “militias” (volunteer armed-forces) Members of the state of Michigan’s volunteer militia practicing maneuvers
Regulating Guns (cont’d) While the government can never officially outlaw guns in the US, there are laws that regulate the ownership of firearms both federally and statewide Remember: if it’s in the Constitution, it MUST be constitutional!
Federal Gun Control Act (1968) Prohibits certain persons (convicted felons, minors, and illegal aliens) from purchasing firearms Required that all guns manufactured & imported in the US bear a serial number for ID-ing Each Glock 19 that is sold in the US must bear a serial number somewhere on the firearm
Fed Gun Control Act (cont’d) Firearms must be purchased from federally licensed dealers; some states allow for private sales between two residents of that state Mail-order sales direct-to-consumer were banned; guns were only permitted to be shipped in case of repair All US gun dealers must have a permit from the federal government to sell firearms like these assault rifles
The Brady Act (1993) Originally included a five-day waiting period to screen purchaser for any previous crimes This provision expired in 1998 when the NICS (Nat’l Instant Check System) went online (regulated by the FBI) Now the check and sale can sometimes be done in a matter of minutes Former Reagan Press Secretary James Brady looks on while President Bill Clinton signs the Brady Act in to law
Federal Assault Weapons Ban (1994) Banned the sale of semi-automatic assault weapons in the US Only put into place for 10 years; it expired in 2004 and has not been replaced since This semi-automatic TEC-9 is no longer considered an “assault weapon” as per the expiry of the AWB in 2004
Extension: The Brady Campaign Annual Scorecard The Brady Campaign to Prevent Violence is a non-profit organization that advocates for gun control and against gun violence. According to its website: “The mission of the Brady organization is to create a safer America for all of us that will lead to a dramatic reduction in gun deaths and injuries.”