The MAKING of a LAW Animations from paid subscription to Animation Factory Photos: Sir Elliott Belgrave and Hon. John Boyce BGIS © 1999 Fiona Springer.


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Presentation transcript:

The MAKING of a LAW Animations from paid subscription to Animation Factory Photos: Sir Elliott Belgrave and Hon. John Boyce BGIS © 1999 Fiona Springer

MAKING A LAW The need for a law is felt by the citizens or the government. “There ought to be a law!”

DRAFTING The Bill is written up in legal language. MAKING A LAW DRAFTING The Bill is written up in legal language. “Every person having the custody, charge or care of any juvenile willfully assaults, ill-treats, neglects, abandons…”

FIRST READING The Bill is introduced by the Minister responsible. MAKING A LAW FIRST READING The Bill is introduced by the Minister responsible. Min. Public Works announces the Bill to apply jam-busting at all roundabouts.

MAKING A LAW SECOND READING A full debate from everyone in the House who wishes to contribute. “Mr. Speaker, jam-busting will cause an increase in accidents…”

MAKING A LAW COMMITTEE STAGE Bill discussed clause by clause. A detailed discussion. Whole House: Money Bills, Controversial Bills Standing Committee: all other Bills

CLAUSE: a section or paragraph of a law

MAKING A LAW REPORT STAGE Standing Committee reports on the changes suggested by the committee. “Jam-busting will only be allowed in rural areas between 8-9 a.m. and 4- 5 p.m.”

THIRD READING Aye ! Another debate. MAKING A LAW THIRD READING Aye ! Another debate. Vote to accept or reject the Bill as a whole. No changes to be made. Moves to the Senate if accepted

SENATE Aye ! Bill goes through Readings and Committee Stages. MAKING A LAW Bill goes through Readings and Committee Stages. Bill can be delayed (if not a Money Bill) Aye ! If accepted goes to Gov. Gen.

PROMULGATION Bill goes to the Governor General for his Assent. MAKING A LAW Bill goes to the Governor General for his Assent. Bill is signed, published in the Gazette Date it goes into effect is announced.

G A Z E T T E: An official document where important government notices are printed.

MAKING A LAW The Bill is now a LAW or an ACT of STATUTE.

Report Stage Third Reading The Senate Promulgation The Idea Drafting MAKING A LAW Report Stage Third Reading The Senate Promulgation The Idea Drafting First Reading Second Reading Committee Stage