| PRE-UNIVERSITY: UT-interest: Good students studying succesfully This requires good secondary education Here we can do something! for Pupils & Teachers CONTENT DEVELOPMENT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONTINUOUS LEARNING SE-HE It is Education, so: Content, content, content It’s people working together Take a deep breath |
Teacher training institute Pre-U & EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Students University Experts Schools Company experts Teacher training institute Cooperation in networks of schools: ECO-system Model of cooperation on development and action Strong involvement of experts |
Example East-NL 16/17: 20 UT-Partnerschools 17/18: 25 TOGETHER: 70 SCHOOLS & 3 UNIVERSITIES (RESEARCH & APPLIED) |
EXAMPLE Honours Program: 40 pupils Masterclasses: 750 pupils | 4
| Pupils Lab: Practics for groups / classes / indivduals leerlingenlab-pre-u@utwente.nl |
Online Learning Environment https:\\olo.utwente.nl
| UTwente Camps: InspireU: utwente.nl/inspire-u Junior-edition of CuriousU 5/6 vwo national/international 13-17 augustus 2018 Course theme’s: health, nano, entrepeneurship, robotics, math for engineering Theme camps: TechBootcamp Medicamp |
| TEACHER PROFESSIONALIZATION Together with ELAN Courses on specific topics (science, didactics, instruction) Personal Assistent Teacher Instructional suitecases Prof. Learning Communities Pro-U: utwente.nl/pro-u |