Modelling INSPIRE based data specifications for NatureSDIplus INSPIRE Conference, Edinburgh 28th of June Diederik Tirry, Danny Vandenbroucke, Rafal Wawer, Stijn Keijers, SADL/K.U.Leuven R&D
Outline Objective Methodology Data models From UML to GML What next....
Objective To contribute to the development of the data specifications regarding the 4 themes covered by NatureSDIplus and development of a data model on nature conservation: - Contribute to the testing of the INSPIRE Annex 1 <Protected sites> proposed data specs - Development candidate data specifications for the 3 Annex 3 themes Theme 17: <Bio-geographical regions> Theme 18: <Habitats and Biotopes> Theme 19: <Species distribution>
Outline Objective Methodology Data models From UML to GML What next....
Methodology Development of candidate data specifications for the following INSPIRE Annex 3 themes Theme 17: <Biogeographical regions> Theme 18: <Habitats and Biotopes> Theme 19: <Species distribution>
Used Sources Identify new use cases from a data-oriented perspective Extending As-is analysis with reference datasets and data models User needs Consider European reporting obligations Developing data exchange models: Conceptual breakdown Consolidation analysis Fine-tuning and elimination of candidates
Reference datasets & data models Attribute matrices As-is analysis Legal Provision Use case Reference datasets & data models Attribute matrices Thematic aggregation of attributes, frequencies and usage scopes Comparison between content of existing models, as-is and use cases
Outline Objective Methodology Data Models From UML to GML What next....
UML class diagram Standards (ISO / INSPIRE) Foundation schemas of ISO TC211 Base Types and Models of INSPIRE Generic Conceptual Model (GCM)
UML class diagram X X X Listing and eliminating ideas Quick mindmapping schemes Frequent discussions INSPIRE philosophy “Keep it simple” searching for common denominator Review by Network partners X X
UML class diagram Creating the feature catalogue Feature catalogue: Feature types (features and geometry) Attributes Data types –Enumerations - Codelists Feature catalogue: a catalogue containing definitions and descriptions of the feature types, feature attributes, and feature associations
Data models: Distribution format Expert users UML diagram using Enterprise architect (difficult to interpret/hierarchy)
Data models: Distribution format Novice users Dynamic HTML report including definitions and descriptions Mindmapping schemes Feature catalogue Often better insight into hierarchy, associations and application scheme structure (featuretype vs datatype)
Data models: Examples
Outline Objective Methodology Data Models From UML to GML What next....
From UML to GML Transform the UML model into GML application schema The standard ISO 19118 prescribes conversion rules for the translation from an application schema in UML into a corresponding XML Schema (W3C, 2002). OGC: another XML format for GI encoding: GML. Conversion rules: need to respect UML, ISO and GML constructs SHAPECHANGE: a Java-based tool that takes a ISO 19109 application schema from a UML model and translates it into a GML application schema (Interactive Instruments)
From UML to GML Transform the UML model into GML application schema
Outline Objective Methodology Data Models From UML to GML What Next...
What Next... Data harmonisation Data Transformation and Publication
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