S K-12 Monitoring Systems
ensure every 5th GRADE child is middle school ready.
Middle School eligible is not the same as Middle School Ready! Being ready for middle school means that a 5th grade student has the reading and mathematics skills necessary to qualify for and succeed in 6th Grade English & Math Courses without the need for remedial coursework.
MATH MAP RIT – 225 Middle School Ready READING MAP RIT - 214 These scores indicate the 5th grade student is ready for middle school courses. READING MAP RIT - 214 MATH MAP RIT – 225
Strive to ensure all 8th grade students are “High School Ready”
High School eligible is not the same as High school Ready! Being ready for high school means that an 8th grade student has the English and mathematics skills necessary to qualify for and succeed in Algebra I and English I courses without the need for remedial coursework.
MATH MAP RIT – 242 High School Ready READING MAP RIT - 227 These scores indicate the 8thgrade student is ready for high school coursework without remediation (Algebra I Ready) READING MAP RIT - 227 MATH MAP RIT – 242
8th – High School CCR Ready Predictor RIT BM BERN % BLMS MWMS EMS ZMS Hebron DISTRICT 8th Grade 156 100 179 176 209 173 183 1076 MAP Reading ONLY 227 0% MAP Math ONLY 242 CCR READY (Met Both) READING Intervention Students 100% MATH Intervention Students
College eligibility is not the same as college readiness! Being ready for college means that a high school graduate has the English and mathematics skills necessary to qualify for and succeed in entry level, credit-bearing college courses without the need for remedial coursework. -Achieve, American Diploma Project Network
ACT English – 18 Mathematics – 19 Reading – 20 College Ready These scores indicate the student is ready for college courses and post-secondary training ACT English – 18 Mathematics – 19 Reading – 20
It is the ONLY K-11 tool to measure CCR available at this time. MAP is our instructional resource and a diagnostic tool. Teachers can easily target appropriate and relevant instruction for each student or group of students through RIT data. It is the ONLY K-11 tool to measure CCR available at this time. MORE TRAINING? Continuum of Learning Reports!