15. Cortical gamma-band activity during auditory processing: evidence from human magnetoencephalography studies 2009. 1. 13.
MEG vs EEG MEG (MagenetoEncephaloGram) Non-invasive measurement of magnetic field changes generated by neuroelectric activity in brain. Good spatial resolution. Unable to detect cortical dipole sources with radial orientation. Opposing sources in opposite banks of sulcus may be canceled out. Possibly more sensitive to weaker sources (magnetic signals does not attenuate in cortical tissues)
Binding Problem & Gamma-band activity How the brain integrates perceptual features that are processed in distant cortical regions to generate a coherent object representation. Oscillatory synchronization in gamma-band range (30-100 Hz) has been used to study the binding problem.
Cortical Oscillatory Activity in Magnetoencephalogram Auditory deviance detection “where” & “what” Potential pathways are found
Cortical Oscillatory Activity in Magnetoencephalogram Auditory short-term memory