MEOC- Making every opportunity count Stacey Anderson, Pharmaceutical Services Improvement and Development Manager
What is MEOC Simple intervention Light touch health conversation Takes 30 seconds to 3 mins Maximum use of resources Signposting
What has MEOC got to do with Palliative Care ?
The patient is always at the heart of everything we do.
But what about the carers? Kids Full time job How am I going to afford the care she needs ? Need to tidy the house, go food shopping, put the car in for MOT I haven’t spoken to my friends in months Is that a cold I can feel starting ?? I don’t have time to be ill I would have loved that new promotion at work Is she eating enough ?
Family and carers Family carers are vital in the care of people who are living with a life-limiting or terminal condition. Yet carers themselves face many challenges of their own. Carers are twice as likely to suffer from ill-health compared to non-carers and 70 % will hide their suffering. Carers are often isolated, miss out significant employment opportunities in life and can face financial hardship.
Family and Carers Estimated 6.4 million people in UK currently caring for a child, friend, neighbour, partner or parent. A study of 3,400 carers showed that 84% of carers never expected to be a carer 83% stated caring had a negative impact on their physical health and mental health (87%) 64% identified a lack of practical support as being a contributing factor 50% stated lack of financial support had impact.
How can MEOC help ? Systematically promote the benefits of living as well as you can. Raise awareness of issues to enable service users to access relevant support to help themselves to health. Provide encouraging positive core health messages. Take action to either give information, signpost or refer services users to the support if needed.
MEOC in community pharmacy ? It can be something small like when a carer says they are tired: you agree that being a carer is hard but it is important to look after yourself too. Ask the patient if they have considered relaxation techniques before going to bed. It could be checking with the carer if they are remembering to look after them self when they pick up the patient’s medication. Sign post to the Cash in Your Pocket Partnership if they are worried about money.
Where can I get more information ?