Federal Buildings Personnel Training Act of 2010 DRAFT Federal Buildings Personnel Training Act of 2010 Prepared by: Adam Pugh
Discussion Points What is a Facility Manager? Public Law DRAFT Discussion Points What is a Facility Manager? Public Law Key Milestones Challenges Key Takeaways
What is a Facility Manager? DRAFT What is a Facility Manager? SCALE
Today’s Facility Manager DRAFT Today’s Facility Manager Safety Fire RAD HAZ Health Planning Customers Environmental Budget Security IT
DRAFT Lead Agency The Act identifies General Services Administration (GSA) as the lead agency with help from Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE) in the sustainability area. GSA has been identified because they have a large number of buildings that have a standard Facilities Management job function for office buildings. The DOE Building Technologies Program within Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) has been identified because of its research in the area of certification programs for the commercial building sector related to High-Performance Buildings, which can be a great starting point for a new certification.
Public Law Public Law 111-308 enacted 15 December 2010. Requires: DRAFT Public Law Public Law 111-308 enacted 15 December 2010. Requires: Federal and contractor personnel performing building operations and maintenance, energy management, safety, and design functions to comply with requirements under the Public Law. Identification of course(s), certification, degree, license, or registration for core competencies and for ongoing training.
DRAFT Core Competencies The Public Law identified the following core competencies: Building Operations and Maintenance Energy Management Sustainability Water Efficiency Safety (including electrical safety) Building Performance Measures GSA may identify additional competencies
DRAFT Key Milestones 18 months (June 2012) after the enactment of the Law, General Services Administration (GSA) shall identify the core competencies necessary for personnel. 12 months (June 2013) after the identification of the core competencies individuals shall demonstrate each competency. 12 months from today I will have an update.
Asset Manager/Facility Engineer DRAFT Challenges To whom does the act apply? Journeyman Master Craftsman Facility Manager Asset Manager/Facility Engineer Engineer
Challenges There are a number of certifications currently available. DRAFT Challenges There are a number of certifications currently available. If you already have a Certification Association of Physical Plant Administrators International Facility Management Association US Green Building Council Building Owners and Managers Association International Defense Acquistion Univ. Purple Book Army Cor of Eng. The National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying The National Association of Corrosion Engineers Indoor Air Quality Association of Energy Engineers. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
DRAFT OECM Role Advocate for the DOE professionals and identify skills that a Government Facility Manager needs in today’s working environment. Engage DOE stakeholders. Implement a program at DOE. Implement program using “working CAP” funds.
DRAFT What are the benefits? Ability to do more as budgets are getting smaller. Increase the respect of the profession. Clarify the profession. Identify a platform for training. Are DM is still going up. Why is this.
Key Takeaways Core Competencies identified by June 2012. DRAFT Key Takeaways Core Competencies identified by June 2012. No later than June 2013, all Federal employees and contractors shall demonstrate compliance with competencies. Law: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS- 111s3250enr/pdf/BILLS-111s3250enr.pdf
Office of Engineering and Construction Management DRAFT Questions Adam Pugh Department of Energy Office of Engineering and Construction Management Phone: (202)-287-1397 adam.pugh@hq.doe.gov