Lynne Schinella Communication expert and speaker coach Find Your Voice Lynne Schinella Communication expert and speaker coach
stop thinking start doing
We can change our futures together.
Don’t know the topic? Don’t do the talk.
Ego Lose your Ego
Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth. - Muhammed Ali
Banish The Bad Girls
Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. - Abraham Lincoln
3 Too. Many. The magical rule of Words.
3 3 The magical rule of The magical rule of
Triggers a strong neurological response storytelling effective Triggers a strong neurological response
Once upon a time……………………… And every day………………………….. Until one day…………………………… And because of that…………………… And ever since that day……………….. And the moral of the story is…………..
3 3 The magical rule of The magical rule of
not everyone will like it
change futures together We can change futures together @lynneschinella