Motivation strategy The first principle of the company “Make Everyone’s Dreams Come True” allows the members of the organization to dream and develop their talents. The company ensures that it foster a culture of creativity and innovativeness among the employees, which motivates them and improves productivity The second principle “You Better Believe It” articulates that the employees should have a clear understanding of the main values and beliefs of the company. The company insists that product and service quality purely depends on the employee’s understanding of the company’s core values and expectations The third principle “Never a Customer, Always a Guest” allows the company to have a competitive advantage over the other companies. It ensures that the employees understand the needs and wishes of its customers. The company encourages the employees to treat customers with respect and honesty. This particularly applies to the customers visiting the parks and other entertainment establishments of the company The fourth principle “All for One and One for All” focuses on teamwork and the empowerment of the employees. The company fosters enthusiasm and commitment among the employees, which is necessary in improving productivity. The company ensures that it empowers its employees through training and the offering of good compensation among other benefits. The top management does not believe in a dictatorship sort of management and does not harass the junior employees The firth principle “Share the Spotlight” encourages the employees to share ideas and opinions with other employees from different companies. This allows the employees to improve on their talents by sharing ideas and opinion with other employees. This is a good strategy since the partnership with other companies ensures that there is a large pool of talent and ideas. This helps improve the talent and motivation of the employees in the company.
Cont’ The sixth principle “Dare to Dare” encourages risk-taking among the employees as a way of improving innovative ideas. The company believes that it has to take risk in believing in the employees in order to encourage them and improve ideas and opinions. The company does not look down on employees that are willing to take risks to try their talent or new endeavors. This encourages the employees to come up with new ideas and opinions based on calculated risks. The seventh principle “Practice, Practice, Practice” fosters for continuous training on the employees in order to perfect products and service delivery. The employees usually attend training at the Disney establishment, which trains the employees regarding the company’s traditions. The company believes that the employees should undergo thorough training and coaching in order to perfect on their service delivery thus improving productivity The eighth principle “Make Your Elephant Fly” insists on planning and a holistic goal for all employees. The employees are required to focus on both short term and long term goals through constant and perfect planning. The planning of the employees is necessary since the employees are able to work together to achieve a common goal. The ninth principle “Capture the Magic with Storyboards” encourages the use of storyboard technique as a way of providing solutions and improving on communication. The storyboard technique is very effective in providing team solutions and conceptualizing the mission and vision statements. It is effective since it breaks down a situation into smaller parts, which are manageable, and concentrates on specific aspects of the problem The tenth principle “Give Details Top Billing” articulates the importance of paying attention to details. The idea of paying attention to details includes measuring results in order to ensure that efforts match the outcome. It is important for the employees to focus on even the smallest details in order to ensure work efficiency and productivity. It is important to state that Walt Disney has numerous of benefits to the employees that include life insurance, service awards among other benefits. These are very essential when it comes to boosting the motivation and morale of the employees.