Vocab Unit #3
Precarious (adj)– dangerous, unstable Not doing your homework will put you in a precarious situation.
Pious (adj) – deeply religious My mother is a very pious person, going to church 3 times a week.
Candid (adj) – honest, frank, outspoken They judge was very candid when giving his verdict. She took a candid photo of the mother bird feeding her babies.
Provincial (n)– narrow-minded (closed minded) The mans provincial views kept him from really understanding the worldly issues.
Refute (v) – to disprove, to deny The lawyer refuted the claim when he brought new evidence to the court.
Servile (adj) – overly submissive; like a servant I hate hazing on my lacrosse team, the freshmen should never feel servile.
Discord (n)– disagreement , strife There is a lot of discord right now in the middle east.
Obscure (adj)– unclear, clouded The obscure view on the top of the mountain fores hadowed that we shouldn't' climb up there.
Innovate (v)– to be creative, to introduce something new Silicon Valley has innovated majority of the technology today.
Garb (n)– clothing The man came in the room with ripped and torn up garb.