Adriana L Renteria Victoria Zanetta Inorganic Chemicals Adriana L Renteria Victoria Zanetta
What are Inorganic Chemicals Inorganic Chemicals are toxic substances that do not come from plants or animals. Metals, salt, minerals that enter water as a result of seepage, runoff, direct discharge from rivers, lakes, and streams.
Effects of Inorganic Chemicals There are many risks in health when we drink water that’s contaminated with inorganic chemicals. Failure in lungs and respiratory system Brain and Nervous System disorders Eyes illness Skin and bone diseases Circulatory System disorders Cancer Kidney and liver failure
Examples of Inorganic Chemicals Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium Mercury Barium Selenium Arsenic Lead
Causes of Inorganic Chemicals Chemical contamination and agriculture(fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides) Chemical contamination and forestry. Contamination of water due to forestry operations is from direct spraying into open waterways and spillages of concentrated chemicals washing into streams. Contamination of stream water as a result of fuel spills is also a threat when fuel is stored close to riparian areas.
Case study (where has this occurred, cause, impact, solution): In India, Ganga is the largest river that provides water to over 40% of the population in that country. Some main causes of water pollution in Ganga river are the increase in the population density, multiple human activities like bathing due to their religion, washing clothes, the washing of animals and various industrial waste. Countless chemical plants, textile mills, distilleries, and slaughterhouses grow along this and add to the pollution by dumping untreated non-biodegradable waste into it. Due to the water contamination, the people of India showed connections between water-borne/enteric disease pop due to the use of the river for bathing, swimming, laundry, washing, eating, cleaning utensils, and brushing teeth. Water in the Ganga has been connected to people contracting dysentery, cholera, hepatitis, which continues to be one of the leading causes of death of children in India.
How do scientist test for pollutant How do scientist test for pollutant? Is there an acceptable limit of Inorganic chemicals? Most testing for water is done at a treatment plant so they can check for physical, chemical, and biological characteristics. Scientists first measure and analyze characteristics of the water such as temperature, dissolved mineral content, and number of bacteria. Afterwards they are then compared to aforementioned numeric guidelines to decide if the water is suitable for a certain use. Different uses raise different problems and therefore different standards are used for each test.
Inorganic Chemicals laws The Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) manages programs under the Toxic Substances Control Act and the Pollution Prevention Act. They find ways to prevent or reduce pollution before it gets into the environment and water. Every federal pollution control law gives authority to states, entrusting them to create their own programs for following the laws and making regulations.
Solutions Minimize the use of pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers. DO NOT dispose of household chemicals or cleaning agents down the sink or toilet. DO NOT flush pills, liquid or powder medications or drugs down the toilet. Avoid using the toilet as a wastebasket. Also education on water pollution can help an individual take the steps to help polluting the environment
References HOW DO WE DETERMINE WATER QUALITY? (n.d.). Retrieved December 13, 2016, from Pollution Issues. (n.d.). Retrieved December 13, 2016, from E. (n.d.). Prevention and solutions to water pollution. Retrieved December 13, 2016, from Shraddha Samant, Management Trainee Follow. (2014). Case study on: Ganga water pollution. Retrieved December 13, 2016, from