Conclusions Group 3 Parallel sessions 2 and 3


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Presentation transcript:

Conclusions Group 3 Parallel sessions 2 and 3

Session 2: Elements for assessment   Session 2: Elements for assessment · A common list of EU elements is not required but a common approach to the creation of regional lists is required. The common approach might result in similar elements, species or functions being listed across the regions, but this should not be the aim of the approach. The approach should also be able to create EU wide assessments. · You can represent biodiversity via a regional set of functional groups and habitat types. It is this functionality (ecosystem approach) that is an important component of the MSFD. · The MSFD is seen as oriented towards managing the pressures on the ecosystem, rather than aimed solely at the conservation of species and habitats. This results in a need to further develop the links between the HBD and the MSFD in a manner that addresses the slant of the MSFD in its assessment of GES and informing on pressures. As an example – there is a difference between red lists and lists on ecosystem functionality. · Linked to this, it is not clear at the moment how the HBD reporting will impact the MSFD reporting. Don’t assume that one will automatically solve the other. · Relevance to the ecosystem should be taken into the criteria. Risk is important to consider when drawing up lists in relation to pressures, but there are many challenges associated with this approach.

Session 3: Aggregation and scales ·         The creation of integrated indicators, or multi-metric indicators challenge the operation of OOAO. ·         OOAO can be relevant at higher levels of aggregation of state/biodiversity criteria, but not necessarily at species, habitat or functional group level. ·         Support for the expression of GES for biodiversity as a percentage of elements. ·         We should expect at achieve GES for all pressure based descriptors. ·         Whilst overall OOAO is supported for the assessment of GES for pressure descriptors, there is no agreement on whether OOAO is appropriate on the pressure and impact criteria associated with those descriptors. ·         Request for agreement on approaches for pressure descriptors across regions. ·         Summary: central pizza use proportion of species, habitat, function at GES whilst aim for all satellites (pressures) to be at GES. ·         The issue of scale was not addressed.